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Mari, Sunny, then Kel. what did they do to deserve all of this ? Basil kept on cutting, but he decided to stop after a little while. he put the blade away and just put some tissues on his wounds to stop the bleeding. Basil was destroyed. Mari, he loved her. she's the one who helped him with everything he was struggling with. Sunny, he was a good listener, but he was also his best friend, and he couldn't handle the fact of never seeing him ever again. Kel, always made his days better, and brought joy. he always helped him when Aubrey was bullying him, and he was really thankful for that. he kept on wondering why does it always happen to him ? he fell in a grave depression, never leave his room, doesn't eat anymore, doesn't take care of his flowers, of himself... he became just like Sunny when Mari died. maybe soon, he'll be the fourth to die ?

the black and white doppelgänger walked toward his original self, and bend down next to him, with that blank expression and voice of his.
-Omori:"and why are you crying now ?"
Sunny said nothing, he just cried, laying in the middle of White space. Omori sighed and stood up, walked toward Mewo and took her. he brought her next to Sunny, and she rubs herself against him. Sunny looked up at Mewo, but still crying though. Omori kept looking at him.
-Omori:"will you consider to tell me what's wrong ? remember that we're in your mind, and that i can guess everything you're thinking of."
Sunny nodded, but still not telling what's wrong to Omori. he sighed again and sat next to Sunny, taking Mewo in his arms, caressing her.
-Omori:"is it because you regret killing yourself ?"
-Omori:"but Sunny... isn't that what you wanted all along ?"
-Sunny:"yeah... but-"
-Omori:"i told you, but you didn't wanted to listen. you have only yourself to blame."
-Sunny:"i know... i just miss him... i miss them... i wish i could turn back time."
-Omori:"but you still have them, in Headspace."
Sunny didn't say a word. he wiped his tears away, regretting to have killed himself. he thought that live in Headspace would've been better, but he was wrong. he started crying of regret again. he could be in Kel's arms right now, cuddling with the REAL Kel. but now, Kel is also dead.
-Omori:"come on stop crying, now that it has been done, it's done. you can't go back, unfortunately for you."
and White space became silent once again, only Sunny's sobs are hearable.

-Hero:"hi Aubrey, how is it going."
-Aubrey:"it's still hard... but i'm trying. you ?"
Hero sighed.
Aubrey and Hero are looking at the 3 graves in front of them, and it's hard to not break down and cry. Hero walked forward Kel's grave, and put some flowers on it. Aubrey was standing in front of Sunny's and Mari's grave, still wearing Mark's cyan hair tie, Sunny's collar, and the jacket Kel gave her. she feels like the whole world is against her, for making her friends die like that.
-Aubrey:"things were easier when they were there..."
-Hero:"of course they were. gosh i miss them all so much... why can't we just turn back time !?"
he said with tears in his eyes. he tried to not cry, but he failed so badly. Aubrey noticed and she walked closer of Hero, hugging him tightly. Hero hugs her back, and they both are crying in each other's arms.
-?????:"A-Aubrey...? Hero ?..."
a shy and low voice said, looking at the two hugging in front of their friends grave. Aubrey recognised this voice, and so did Hero. they both looked at him, with surprise.
-Aubrey:"Basil ?! you're okay !? we haven't heard of you in a while..."
-Basil:"y-yeah... i'm fine, sorry for not giving any news like that... heh..."
-Hero:"Basil... why so many bandages on your arms ? don't tell me that you're doing exactly what Sunny was doing..."
Basil got even more nervous, and started to blush a bit. he looked away and he started to stutter.
-Basil:"oh that...? i-it's nothing ! i- hum... i burned my right arm and i-i got badly hurt on the left... haha..."
Aubrey walked closer to Basil, and she has a serious facial expression, and her tone is firm but we can hear worry in it.
-Aubrey:"Basil, please, for our sakes. don't do it, please. it's not the solution ! i know it's hard, it's hard for all of us... but please... Sunny started exactly like that... shutting himself without giving any updates, hurting himself, and he then killed himself, even though he seemed happy and better ! so please, Basil, i'm begging you... we can't lose anyone else..."
she then hugged Basil tightly, still crying a bit. the last thing she wants, is for Basil to take the exact same path as Sunny. Basil said nothing and hugged Aubrey back, and Hero joined the hug too. they are only 3 now. they wonder what they could be doing right now, if Kel and Sunny were still alive, or if nobody had died.
see you in chapter 18 :D

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