running away

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[12th july 2023, 8:34pm.]
Sunny, who was laying on his bed, thinking and thinking, was slowly falling asleep. he closes his eyes for a moment, but...

*knock, knock*
-Sunny:"please, don't open the door."
Sunny thought to himself, hoping his mother won't open the door to try and talk with him. he wants to be alone, at peace, even if he starts to overthink.

the door is now opened, the light from the hallway brightening Sunny's room, and his mother standing in front of the bedroom's entrance.

-Sunny's mother:"Sunny, do you want to eat ? dinner's ready."
he said with his cold and quiet tone. his mother is very concerned about her son, never eating anything each day since a year(or at least, just a something very light, if he doesn't pukes it after.)
-Sunny's mother: "Sunny... you never eat anything ! you've loosen so much weight... don't you want to at least try to eat something small ?"
-Sunny:"no, i'm fine."
-Sunny's mother: Sunny... is there something wrong ? are you feeling down lately ? you can talk to me you know."
-Sunny:"no, im okay."
Sunny's mother sighs, shes very worried for her son, but she knows he won't talk. she respects Sunny's choice, and she leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

Sunny closes his eyes once again, he tries to fall back asleep, but he can't. something is preventing him to. he feels... uncomfortable... like IT was watching him from behind. he tries to ignore that feeling, but he can't. he turns to his back, and he looks at the ceiling, thinking deeply. he wont be able to see his friends tomorrow, he has to do things with his mother for the guest that are coming in the evening. hes so lazy, he doesn't want to do the groceries, he doesn't want to do the dishes, he doesn't want to see the guests tomorrow's evening. he only wants to spend his day with his friends, and boyfriend.
he sighs, and he keeps looking at the ceiling, overthinking. he feels so uncomfortable in this house. he wants to go back at Faraway town.

                                         * *
[13th july 2023, 7:15am]
the house is calm, there's no sound to be heard, and Sunny is sleeping.

*bip, bip, bip*
Sunny turned off the alarm in annoyance. of course, an alarm to wake Sunny up so he can get ready for the long day that awaits him. he gets up, opens his window, and leaves his room. he goes in the bathroom, and walk toward the sink. he turns the sink on, put water in his hands and washes his face with it. he then turn it off, and looks at mirror.

Sunny notices that his bandage has absorbed blood from his wounds

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Sunny notices that his bandage has absorbed blood from his wounds. he takes another bandage from the drawers next to the sink. he removes his old one and put it in the bin. he puts the new and clean bandage around his arm, not caring of healing his wounds. he brushes his teeth, he quickly brush his hair so they are at least not messy anymore. he then goes back to his room, dressing himself.

[13th july 2023, 7:30am]
Sunny's mother is still getting ready, and Sunny is bored. he goes downstairs with a backpack, takes his shoes and put them on.
-Sunny:"i'm going on a walk."
he said to his mother, as he already passed the front door. Sunny knows what he's doing. he takes his bike, gets on it, and he starts to ride to the bicycle pathway, that leads to Faraway town.


Sunny ran away.


[20 minutes later]
Sunny arrived Faraway town, and he hid his bike at his friends and his hidden spot at the park. he starts to walk in Faraway town, walking toward Kel's house.

*knock, knock, knock*
the door opened, Hero is standing at the front door, as Kel is looking from behind.

-Hero:"Sunny !? what are you doing here that early ?"
-Kel:"it's Sunny ?"
Kel walks toward the front door, and is also surprised to see his boyfriend, standing in front of his front door at 8:00am.
-Sunny:"i ran away."
-Kel:"what !? why ? what happened ? come in !"
Kel makes Sunny come in the house, and Hero closes the front door. Kel hugs Sunny tightly and gives him a kiss on the forehead.
-Sunny:"i feel... uncomfortable at my house."
-Kel:"how did you came here ? did you came by walking ? are you okay ?
-Sunny:"i came with a bike. and i'm okay."
-Hero:"hey, you can stay for the day ! we were planning to meet with Aubrey and Basil again."

Sunny nods, but Kel is still worried, and concerned. he's okay with Sunny staying, of course, but he feels that something else is wrong.

-Kel:"Sunny, could you please follow me in my room ?"
Kel takes Sunny's hand, and he leads Sunny upstairs, to his room. once in his bedroom, he closes the door behind him, and sits on his bed. he makes a sign to Sunny to come and sit next to him, so Sunny does. Kel takes a deep breath.

-Kel:"we need to talk, seriously."
this is the end of chapter 4 :D
see you in the next chapter !!

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now