"rest in peace, Sunny."

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Kel, Aubrey, Hero and Basil are waiting in the waiting room, in complete anxiousness, and Kel is still not believing what's happening. he wants to wake up from that bad dream as soon as possible. everyone wished for Sunny to make it out alive, even with his minor chance, and they are hoping that a paramedic will come out of Sunny's room and say "he's alive, you can go see him."


-paramedic 1:"hello, we have news about Sunny."
everyone looked up, hoping it was good news.
-Aubrey:"what is it !? is he okay !?.. is he alive..?"
-paramedic 1:"actually..." the paramedic took a deep breath and spoke again. "it was too late, he didn't survived, im sorry for your loss."
then, a long silence took place. Hero felt incredibly sad, but he wasn't able to get any tears out. Aubrey, is stunned. she doesn't know what to say, what to think or what to do. she wants to punch something or someone, and scream. Basil tries to comfort her, but inside, he's destroyed. his best friend, just died of suicide. Kel, him...
-Kel:"can we seem him, please ?"
-paramedic:"i guess you can, just come in"
Kel gets up from his chair and walks in Sunny's room. everyone else is a bit confused, but they follow him.
Kel walks toward Sunny, laying on a bed, with an oxygen mask, wires branched on him, patches, bandages... and his cardiac frequency, indicating that his heart is not beating anymore. he left for good.
Kel stared at Sunny, and tears started to form in his eyes. he puts his hand on Sunny's cheek, feeling his cold body.
-Kel:"i hope you're resting well..." Kel said, starting to cry. Hero walked to his little brother, and put his arm around him, to comfort him, but Kel didn't mind him.
-Kel:"Sunny... if only i'd have noticed the signs..."
Kel started to blame himself, and he keeps crying, even though is brother is here to comfort him.
-Hero:"Kel, it's not your fault... Sunny wanted his pain to go away, and now he's finally in peace... you have to accept that, we all have to..."
then, Hero pulled Kel in a tight hug, and everyone joined in. nobody has ever seen Kel crying this much after Mari's death. the two Suzuki's siblings, are now dead.


every since Sunny's death, nothing has ever been the same. Aubrey stayed alone again, needing time to process his death, Basil, him, shut himself like Sunny did for Mari's death, and has never seen anyone too ever since. Hero, accepted Sunny's death, but deep down, he misses him so much, and he would do anything for him to come back. Kel is devastated. he stopped going to basketball practice, he became more quiet, and has been less positive and smiling.

-Hero:"hey, Kel... i think we need to talk for a bit." Hero said, at the sight of his little brother, crying on his bed, and not doing anything for days and days. Hero feels like he's seeing himself when Mari died.
-Kel:"what now..."
-Hero:"i know it's hard, i know you blame yourself for Sunny's death... but it has been 2 months now... you've been eating less, you're not doing anything of your days anymore, you don't even smile anymore..."
-Kel:"Sunny was my boyfriend ! i knew everything that was going on in his life, and i had everything to save him, but i couldn't !... it's easy for you to accept his death, but not for me !..."
-Hero:"i know how it feels like... i also went through this when Mari died... but, if you don't try to accept his death, and move on like you did for Mari's... you will never g-
-Kel:"i was 12 when Mari died ! 12 ! i didnt understood, and it was quite easier for a 12 years old, who didn't understood what was happening, to accept and move on !..."
Kel said, interrupting Hero when he was talking. he's crying while talking, but he's still laying on his bed.
-Hero:"Kel... don't you see how much you've changed ?... you're not the happy brother i used to know... you're more irritable, you keep crying on your bed, you don't help around the house anymore, you don't go to basketball practice anymore... Kel, please, i want to help you."
-Kel:"leave me the f-ck alone."
and then, a silence took place. Kel is staring at Hero, waiting for him to finally leave the room.
-Hero:"Kel, i w-"
-Kel:"what are you waiting for !? leave !"
-Hero:"i wont leave you in this state."
-Kel:"i said leave !!"
Hero sighed, knowing he can't do anything about his little brother right now. he leaves the room, closing the door behind him. he goes downstairs to go talk with his parents, as Kel is left alone again, in the dark, crying and remembering all of the good times with Sunny in one of his hoodies

[2 hours later]
Hero knocked again at their bedroom door, and slightly opened it.
-Hero:"Kel, come downstairs, we are going to visit Sunny. i think you need it."
Kel sighed and slowly got out of bed. he dresses himself quickly, and he goes downstairs, with Hero waiting him at the front door. Kel takes his shoes, put them on and tie them.
-Hero:"come on Kel, it will be okay."
they both leave the house and go to the graveyard.
they finally arrive, and they are now in front of Sunny's grave, next to Mari's.

"Our dear Sunny, the moonlight was brighter when he was here."

-Hero:"you know, even if Sunny left us, he's still here, and i'm sure he's right next to you right now."
-Hero:"it is hard, to accept your lover's death, but you'll get better, i promise. you must accept the fact that he left."
there was a silence, Hero was then about to talk, but Kel started to speak before he could.
-Kel:"just to think that he will never be physically be with me again... that i will never seem him again... it just hits hard... and to think that i could've saved him so many times..."
-Hero:"hey, it's okay... it's not your fault. Sunny made his choice, and it was to leave. but you have tell yourself that, now, Sunny is now resting in an endless and peaceful sleep. nothing will ever bother him anymore."
then, Kel started crying again, and fell on his knees. Hero kneeled down next to his little brother, and comforted him. Kel looks back up at the grave.

          "Our dear Sunny, the moonlight was
                 brighter when he was here"          

-Kel:"i love you so much Sunny... i hope you rest in peace... and that you're happier now..." Kel then said in a low voice, while crying, with his brother hugging him.

chapter 13 will probably be the last, and if not,
chapter 14 will be ! (there will be an extra chapter)

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now