the true ending. (2/2)

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3 years after Kel's and Sunny's deaths, Hero, Aubrey, and Basil made their lives on their side. Basil barely had any contacts with Hero and Aubrey, and Hero only saw Aubrey at the graveyard, nowhere else. Aubrey is now 21 years old, and she's making her own songs. Hero is 24 years old, and he's a doctor now. Basil, him, is 21 years old too, but he isn't working. he draws on his side, still living with Polly.
Aubrey, went to the graveyard again, but Hero wasn't there. she didn't mind, and she sat in front of the 3 graves, with a bouquet of flowers, containing roses, lily of the valley and white tulips. she knows that Kel's flower was cactus, but she couldn't find any, and he loved roses, so she took them. she put the bouquet on Sunny's grave, the grave where there's the less flowers. she took a deep breath, tears in her eyes, and sighed. Aubrey opens her eyes again, and smiles, tears streaming down her face, finally accepting their death.
"you 3 are the reason i keep going."
she stood up, and left the graveyard. the wind blowing her hair, she walked in the town to changer her mind a bit. she was happy of herself, she managed to accept their death,
a huge weight off of her shoulders. how much she misses the old times, she wants to go through the old album photo and the new album photo so bad, but Sunny has the old one, and Basil the new one.
"maybe Sunny's parents kept the old album photo ?"
she thought. Aubrey sighed, and sat on a bench. her hand holding her head, thinking.

-???:"Aubrey !?" a soft male voice said. she looked up, and saw Basil.
"wait... is that Basil ?" Aubrey thought again. it could only be Basil, but he's so different... the same haircut, but with a cyan dye. he grew up a bit, and has some tattoos on his arms, seeming to be the flowers representing each group members. still having his scars from the fight with Sunny 4-5 years ago, he smiled shyly at Aubrey.
-Aubrey:"hey, it's good to see you again. how have you been doing for these 3 years ?"
-Basil:"really bad for the first year, but these last two were better. and you ?" Basil sat next to Aubrey.
-Aubrey:"i could say the same. but, i was wondering.. do you still have the new photo album ?"
-Basil:"oh ? of course, i go through it each day. unfortunately, Sunny had the old one... i actually have the new one with me !"
-Aubrey:"really ? do you mind if we go through it ?" Basil chuckled, and took the album out.
-Basil:"i don't mind at all."
Basil opened the album, and they both started to go through it. seeing everyone happy, pictures of Kel and Sunny hugging, laughing, sharing good times together, group photos, Hero beating Aubrey in UNO for revenge... lots of good moments.

-Aubrey:"i was thinking earlier, how about we go to Sunny's house and ask to his parents if they kept the old album"
-Basil:"sounds like a good idea ! i just have to make Polly know, but she wouldn't mind." he took his phone out and sent a message to Polly, saying he'd go to Sunny's house to get the album back. Aubrey was happy to see Basil again, but she haven't seen Hero 4 times in a row at the graveyard. she's a bit worried, but she knows that he might be really busy too.
-Basil:"i can go with you !" he said, while smiling at Aubrey. she nodded, and an hour after, they went to Sunny's house. Sunny's parents answered, and they searched for the album, finding it under Sunny's bed. entering in Sunny's bedroom gave them shivering. Sunny's parents cleaned it all, but in the trash bin, so many old bloody tissues from Sunny when he was self harming, that hasn't been threw away. but that wasn't all, ! all of Sunny's blades, including his knife he always carried with him, was also in the trash bin. his bed was carefully cleaned, his desk properly cleaned too, all of his books were put in order by series on his bookshelves, his sketchbook on the desk. obviously, Aubrey was curious and went through it. there were drawing of the Headspace friends, Omori, disturbing drawing such as Mewo being cut open in Black space, a page full of scribbles, and words. words such as "i can't take it anymore" "end my suffering, i'm begging you"  "someone help me" and the most shocking one: "20th July, i'll never wake up again."
it's sad to think that Sunny had planned his suicide so long ago, because in the corner of the page, it's written the date: "07/01/23". since January 2023, Sunny planned to kill himself on his 18th birthday. after that Basil and Aubrey took a look at Sunny's room, they left with the old album photo.

they were back to Faraway Town, and went back to the park. sitting on a bench, they are looking at the old photo album. it made them happy to see Mari, Sunny and Kel again. everyone smiling in the photos, when everything was fine.
-Aubrey:"i miss these moments so much..."
-Hero:"i do too." Aubrey and Basil jumped. they looked behind them, and Hero was standing there, with a sweet smile. he didn't changed much in 3 years though.
-Hero:"sorry if i scared you. how are you two doing ? it's been a while since we saw each other, Basil ! you've changed so much."
-Basil:"we're good, thanks... it's good to see you again !"
-Aubrey:"Hero, were you okay ? i haven't saw you 4 times in a row at the graveyard..." Hero chuckled and sighed.
-Hero:"i was really busy... i'm a doctor now, i didnt got much time. i was actually going, want to come with me ?"
they both nodded, and the 3 of them started walking to the graveyard. they arrived and went to the 3 graves. Basil hasn't visited them in a long while. Aubrey was there this morning, and it's been 4 days for Hero. Hero kneeled in front of the graves, and he closed his eyes for a moment, Aubrey and Basil watching. Hero sighed and he smiled.
-Hero:"this world wasn't made for you, i hope you 3 are resting well in a better place."
yes, Hero finally did it too. he accepted the death of Mari, Sunny, and his brother, Kel. Basil put his hand on Hero's shoulder, and said:
-Basil:"i'm sure they are. and i'm sure they are with us right now."
Basil too, accepted the death of his 3 dear friends. from the back, Aubrey pulled Basil and Hero in a tight hug, and the ghosts of Mari, Sunny, and Kel joined in the hug too. if only they would be able to see them.

ever since this day, even though they are just 3 now, they swore to always stay together, and to never leave ever again. they are making new memories in honour of their 3 dead friends, and they put some photos on each of the graves. even though they are just 3, they want to keep going for Mari, Sunny and Kel.
here how the story truly ends ! there will be other endings too, like the bad, and the good. from chapter 20, to chapter 23(maybe more or less) it will be a plot twist ! hope you enjoy <3

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now