a long day.

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Kel said seriously, definitely not joking around.
-Kel:"Sunny, what's the bandage for ?"
he said while taking Sunny's arm, inspecting the bandage.
-Sunny:"i fell in the bathroom."
-Kel:"you think im going to fall for that ?"
theres a long silence. Sunny is keeping a serious face, trying to sound like he's innocent. Kel is looking deeply in Sunny's eyes.
-Sunny:"it's the truth. why would i lie ?"
-Kel:"because i know what it is. you don't need a bandage if you fell in the bathroom."
as he said that, Kel started to take off Sunny's bandage, but Sunny takes his arm away, and this move made it even clearer that Kel is right.
-Kel:"Sunny... why are you doing this to yourself ?"
-Sunny:"i don't want to talk about that."
Kel sighs. he has to respect Sunny's choice, he can't force him to talk. he hugs Sunny tightly, and stroke his hair gently
-Kel:"alright, but please Sunny, if you ever feel bad, talk to me, okay ?"
Sunny nods, and hug Kel back. he keeps going with the "im fine" act. after some seconds, Sunny feels his phone vibrating. he takes it out, and his mother is calling. he doesn't want to answer, and he ignores.
[13th july 2023, 1:03pm]
-Basil:"where's my camera... i'm sure it was here a second ago..."
-Aubrey:"Basil ! Basil ! look at the photo i took !"

(art by: hino kiip)-Basil:"w-what ? oh ! they're so cute ! i'll put it in my photo album

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(art by: hino kiip)
-Basil:"w-what ? oh ! they're so cute ! i'll put it in my photo album."
-Aubrey:"here, take your camera back, sorry for taking it without warning you !"
-Basil:"it's not problems ! thank you."

*ring, ring, ring*
Sunny heard his phone ringing. he takes it out and looks at who is calling, and it's his mom. he sighs, and he quickly make a sign to Kel that he's coming back very quickly. he walks a bit away from Kel and the group, and he pick up the phone.

-Sunny's mother:"Sunny ! where are you ? i've been trying to call you since 8am this morning. you said you were going on a walk, where are you ? are you okay ?"
-Sunny:"i'm fine."
-Sunny's mother:"tell me where are you !?"
-Sunny:"im at Faraway town."
-Sunny's mother:"what !? what are you doing there ? you were forbidden to go out today because we had to prepare things for the guests that are coming this evening !"
-Sunny:"i know."
-Sunny's mother:"you're irredeemable, Sunny ! you better be back home in 30 minutes !"
-Sunny:"yeah right."

Sunny hangs up, and walks back to the group.
-Sunny:"i've gotta go."
-Aubrey:"awh really ? that sucks."
-Kel:"hey it's okay buddy ! we'll see you soon !"

they all hug Sunny, saying goodbye to him. Kel gives Sunny a last kiss on the lips, before Sunny takes his bike back from where he hid it, and leaves. Kel, Hero, Aubrey and Basil are waving at him.

Sunny hoped he would spend his day with his friends instead of spending the day preparing stuffs for guests that he would probably not even see and greet. he wants to spend his days with his friends, because he soon will leave them. after 20 minutes of riding, Sunny arrived home.

he opened the front door, ready to be yelled at, but at his surprise, the house seems very quiet, like no one was there. he takes off his shoes, and start to look around the house. he notices a note on the kitchen's counter.

 he notices a note on the kitchen's counter

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he sighs, it's going to be a long day. he doesn't want to do any chores, yet, he has to. he walks toward the kitchen sink, letting hot water running, rolls his sleeves up, takes a sponge, and he starts to wash the dishes.
some cups, some plates, some glasses, some forks, some spoons, some knives...


Sunny felt something cutting his finger. he looks at it, and he sees a small wound bleeding on his finger. he doesn't really care, it doesn't hurt compared to his cuts on his arms. he wipes the blood from his finger with a towel, and then finishes to wash the dishes. he walks upstairs, to his room. it's a bit messy in there, so Sunny starts to clean it a bit. he puts his books back on their shelves, he folds his clothes back correctly, he tidies his bed, open his window, putting some stuff back to their places, throwing away some papers, and bloody tissues in the bin, and makes sure that his shiny knife is still hidden in his desk's drawer.
cleaning his room felt like an eternity to Sunny. he starts to feel dizzy, and his stomach hurts a bit. he thinks for a while "when was last time i ate ?" and he comes up some second later with the approximative answer: 4 days ago.

he walks downstairs, and goes in the kitchen. he opens some drawers, trying to find something light and small that will make his dizziness go away. he finds nothing to eat. everything is either too sweet, too salty, too heavy, too big... he feels like fainting, his body being totally out of energy, and the hotness outside and inside the house is not helping. his ears start to ring, and his vision starts to black.




Sunny has fainted, alone, unconscious in his house.


a door opened...

this is the end of chapter 5 !
warnings: chapter 6 will contain:
mention of suicide
self harm
horrific visions and images

see you in chapter 6 !! :D

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now