together forever.

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[12th july 2023, 2:30pm]
it's a sunny and hot day, like everyday of summer in Faraway town. the friend group is at their hidden spot, the lake. they all just shared a picnic, like old days, and they are all having fun.Hero, Basil and Aubrey are playing UNO on the picnic's blanket, as Sunny and Kel are sitting together, on the small wood bridge, their shoes and socks removed to let their feet in the water.

-Aubrey:"annnd... i won !"
-Basil:"again !? you just won 4 times in a row ! how are you that good at Uno ?"
-Hero:"he's right, i used to always win against you !"
-Aubrey:"i'm not good, you're just bad !"
she giggles, as she gets the other game round ready.
-Basil:"we will not stop playing until me and Hero win against you !"
-Hero:"i'll take my revenge, Aubrey !"
-Aubrey:"we'll see about that."
they all laugh along as they start a new game again.
Sunny and Kel looks at their 3 friends, smiling at them.
-Kel:"looks like Aubrey is winning again !"

Sunny nods, and he smiles at Kel. he leans his head on Kel's shoulder and he takes a deep breath, enjoying being with his boyfriend and friends. Kel puts his arm behind Sunny's waist.

-Sunny:"a year that were dating... time flies huh ?"
-Kel:"it sure does, Sunshine ! i'm so happy that you're my boyfriend, and i'm so happy to be your boyfriend. i love you so much."

as Kel said that, he gave Sunny a kiss on the top of his head, causing Sunny to smile slightly more.



-Basil:"yes, i got them !"
-Hero:"you really just screw the game you were winning to take a picture of Sunny and Kel ?"
-Basil:"i don't mind, i don't have a lot of photos of them being this close together. just look how cute they are !"
-Aubrey:"oh i want to see too !"

Basil shows the picture of Kel kissing the top of Sunny's head, with his arm around his waist, to both of Hero and Aubrey.
-Hero:"awh.. they are so cute !"
-Aubrey:"hey ! the two lovebirds !"

Kel and Sunny looks at Aubrey, as they obviously recognised the nickname that Aubrey always uses for both of them: "lovebirds".

-Kel:"what is it Aubrey ?"
-Aubrey:"bring yo two asses here !"
Sunny rolls his eyes in a playful manner. Kel and him both get up, and they walk toward everyone else.

-Basil:"you don't mind if i took this very cute photo of you ?"
-Kel:"absolutely not ! Sunny, look at how cute we are."
Sunny feels his cheeks burning and blushing. he buries his head in Kel's shoulder, a bit in embarrassment, but also in a way to say "yes, we are cute".

-Aubrey:"hey ! how about we make a group photo here ?"
-Hero:"that's a great idea you have here, Aubrey."
-Kel:"of course ! group photos are always fun to make."
-Basil:"alright then ! everyone in place !"
Basil puts the timer on his camera, and he runs to the group photo. they have 10 seconds to take place and making a face for the photo.




Basil takes his camera back, and the photo has been printed out of the camera. everyone else walk toward Basil to take a look at their picture.

(art by: HiyonArt)-Hero:"look at us ! aren't we amazing all together ?"-Kel:"of course we are, bro !"-Basil:"i think you got distracted by something, Aubrey

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(art by: HiyonArt)
-Hero:"look at us ! aren't we amazing all together ?"
-Kel:"of course we are, bro !"
-Basil:"i think you got distracted by something, Aubrey."
-Aubrey:"yes i was ! but i don't care, we're still amazing !"
Sunny nods in agreement, and he has a little smile on his face. Basil puts the picture in his photo album, and he also smiles.
-Basil:"want to go through the brand new photo album of our new memories ?"
-Kel:"oh heck yeah !"

they all go through the new photo album, filled with picture from 1 year go, to the very last they took, meaning the friend group photo. they all smile and laugh about some photos too. they go through it for a while.

-Hero:"our friendship is just so special. after everything we went through, we all stick together and we made it through everything."
-Kel:"that's what a real friendship is. friends are supposed to be always here for each other, no matter what !"
-Aubrey:"yeah ! and that's why we will always be together forever !"
-everyone(beside Sunny):"yeah !"
they all laugh, happy to be with each other. Sunny just smile with them, but the words "together forever" is repeating over and over in is his head. he's not sure if "forever" is the right word for him.
the next chapter will surely contain at least:
horrific things, such as horrific hallucinations and paranormal things.
self harm.
see you in the next chapter !

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now