another loss.

126 4 2

sensitive topics
disturbing scenes
-Aubrey:"it's not real... right ? he's not dead... he can't be !..."
Aubrey said, as she's tearing up. her best friend just given himself death, the day of his birthday. everyone is horrified, shocked, denying, tearing up...
-Kel:"wake up ! you can't leave me like this ! you can't leave us... Sunny please..."
Hero walks toward Sunny's lifeless body, and he puts his hand on his cheek, checking if it's still warm. he then, inspect the blood. the blood hasn't dried yet, it's still fresh.
-Hero:"it's not too late... we can save him, he's still warm !... we just have to make the bleeding stop while we wait for the ambulance to arrive...!"
Hero said, trying to make everyone more hopeful, but he knows that even him, is not very hopeful anymore. he doesn't know how to stop the bleeding, the knife is stuck in Sunny's stomach. it has to be removed carefully, by a professional.
-Aubrey:"b-but how !... the bleeding can't stop as long as the knife is stabbed in his stomach..."
-Hero:"i-i... don't know..."
Kel is crying, still holding his boyfriend's lifeless body. he is lost in his thoughts. everyone doesn't know what to do, and they all just stare in disablief at Sunny's body.
the ambulances' sirens can be heard now, and Hero rushes downstairs, opening the front door to let the professionals enter the scene.
Hero leads them upstairs, where everyone is. the paramedics start their check up on Sunny's vitals, as the police is talking with Aubrey, Basil, Kel and Hero.
-Police officer: "alright, can i please get your names, and age please ? and also the victim's name and age."
-Hero:"hi, my name is Hero and i'm 20. this is Aubrey, she's 17. this is Basil, also 17, and this is my brother Kel, who is 18... the victim is.. named Sunny, and he's 18.."
-Police officer:"alright, and do you know what happened ?" he said, noting everything on a notebook.
-Hero:"we don't really understand why he did that... we know that it was hard for him... he lost his sister 5 years ago, by an accident and he felt really guilty... he shut himself for 4 years, and when he came back again, he was in a severe depression, and he is diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses. we tried to help him, and we thought he was getting better but... he must've relapsed and... i guess he couldn't take it anymore..."
-Police officer:"okay... alright, we'll make an investigation about that. thank you. do you know anything else about that ? do you know exactly his mental illnesses ?"
-Hero:"hum... no, i don't exactly know."
-Kel:"actually... i do."
-Aubrey:"you do..!?" intervened Aubrey, surprised.
-Kel:"yes... Sunny's diagnosed with schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder, depression, social anxiety, and i guess that's all..."
the police officer is noting this on his notebook, and a paramedic intervene.
paramedic 1:"im sorry to interrupt your conversation... but Sunny... has minor chance to make it out alive. he lost too much blood, the knife was stabbed very deeply... his wound is 5cm deep. we will bring him to the hospital but i don't think that it will be useful. he's not breathing anymore, and his pulse in non existant. we're sorry, but it's probably already too late."
a long silence took place, Kel holds his mouth with his hand, crying again. he doesn't want to believe what has just been said. Aubrey is shaking her head, denying Sunny's death. Basil is shaking, and he doesn't want his best friend to die. Hero, him, is just staring at the paramedic, his eyes wide opened.

-Aubrey:"you're not serious, are you ?"
-paramedic 1:"we are, im sorry."
-Aubrey:"no... you're lying ! he's not dead ! he's alive, we can save him..! please, we can do some-"
Hero said in a soft but shaky voice, putting his hands on Aubrey's shoulder. he shakes his head, to tell her that she has to accept what's happening. Aubrey tears up, and Hero pulls her in a tight hug.
Kel is also crying, just standing there, staring at Sunny's body on a stretcher. "i should've helped him more"
is what Kel thought, and the ambulance starts to drive to the hospital.

see you in the next chapter :D

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now