a graveyard visit.

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each evening, Hero goes to the graveyard, to visit Mari, Sunny, and his dear little brother, Kel. unable to accept all of these deaths, Hero cries every night, and every time he goes to the graveyard. when Hero's is in his room, it hurts him to not see Kel on his bed, or not seeing Kel playing video games, listening to music, to see him sleeping peacefully, cuddling with Sunny when he came over. he misses that so much.
so like each evening, Hero goes to the graveyard.

Hero enters the graveyard, and walks toward the 3 graves of his girlfriend, best friend, and little brother. but, to his surprise... Aubrey was there, with flowers that she put on each of the graves. she was in the middle of the 3 graves, looking down at the ground. Hero was surprised to see her again, it's been 3 months since he last saw her. he took a deep breath and started to walk toward her.
-Hero:"Aubrey ? what are you doing here ?"
Aubrey was surprised to hear Hero's voice. she didn't moved though, she stayed in the same position.
-Aubrey:"what do you think i'm doing here ?" she said, with a harsh tone.
-Hero:"yeah, sorry, that was a stupid question..."
Hero was next to her, and both looking at the 3 graves.
"our dear Mari, the sun shines brighter when she was here"

"our dear Sunny, the moonlight was brighter when he was here"

"our dear Kel, life was so fun when he was here."

-Hero:"i don't understand why Kel decided to leave us all of a sudden..."
-Aubrey:"to join Sunny and Mari, it's logic."
an awkward silence took place between the two old friends, before Aubrey breaks it.
-Aubrey:"i hope that the 3 of you rest well. i miss you all so much..."
Hero stayed silent, he doesn't know what to say. he looks back at the grave, and felt an atroce pain in his chest. he wants Kel, Sunny and Mari to come back, because life was so much fun when they were there. now, it's just empty days, no more Kel to scream "wake up sleepyhead" in the middle of the bedroom at 7:30am, no more little argument between Kel and Aubrey, no more picnics with Mari, no more drawing with Sunny... there's no mood anymore, and everyone drifted apart again. Aubrey is minding her business with her new friends, and nobody never got news from Basil since Kel's death. Hero sighed, and put his hand on Aubrey's shoulder.
-Hero:"we all miss them."
-Aubrey:"why does this keep happening to us..." Aubrey said to herself, in a barely audible voice, but Hero heard what Aubrey said.
-Hero:"well... Mari died on accident, Sunny and Kel choose to leave. we can't do anything about it..."
and this time, Aubrey was the one to stay silent. Hero noticed that she still wears Mari's old cyan hair tie, a collar that Sunny gave her and one of Kel's jacket he gave her too.
-Hero:"how is it going on your side ?"
-Aubrey:"it has been okay, you ?"
-Hero:"fine. do you have any news from Basil ?"
Aubrey sighed before speaking again.
-Aubrey:"no, i didn't."
Hero nodded, and he walked toward the graves, giving them flowers.
-Hero:"i've got to go now, hope to see you again."
Aubrey said nothing, and Hero left the graveyard. she sat in front of the graves, not doing anything beside crying.

-Polly:"Basil ! dinner's ready, don't you want to eat at least ?..." Polly said while knocking against Basil's bedroom door, who's locked.
-Basil:"i'm good."
-Polly:"oh please Basil ! i'm worried about you... i haven't saw you in a while... not even a small thing ?"
Basil didn't answered. he was sitting on his bed, blood running down his arms.
-Polly:"Basil... the only time you get out of you room, is when you have to go to the bathroom... you didn't put a foot outside since your 2 friends' deaths !... i know it's hard, but please..."
there was still no Answer from Basil. he kept ignoring Polly, to cut himself even more. Polly gave up, and went back in the living room, going to eat dinner.

the friend group has drifted apart this time, and for good. the one who glued them back when Mari died, is also dead now. what will happen to them now ?
see you in chapter 17 !!

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