endless dream.

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Mari, Sunny and Kel, the 3 of them are dead, and now, there's only Basil, Aubrey and Hero. nobody understood Kel's sudden suicidal attempts, they are all devastated. Kel, the one who always made everyone happier, was gone too. Hero's little brother, the one he always promised to protect from everything. Basil, who shut himself when Sunny died, couldn't handle the idea of Kel being gone too, shut himself even more, not moving from his room, and not caring about his flowers anymore. Polly tried everything to help him, but it was useless. Aubrey, who already changed a lot when Mari died, who became even more angry when Sunny died, became a total jerk now. she doesn't take care of herself anymore, she's always searching troubles, she bullies the one who gets in her way... she's that one aggressive girl again, lost in confusion and immense sadness. she decided now, she left the group, for good. she's now minding her business, not talking to Hero and Basil anymore. such a horrible life, compared to Sunny's...


Omori, was about to open the big white door, but he turned back, the hand still on the doorknob.
-Omori:"Sunny, how does it feels to live in an endless dream ? in that world of make belief ?"
-Sunny:"..." he took a moment to think, and then, spoke again. "at least, everyone is still alive and happy, and that's all that matters to me."
-Omori:"you're lying."
-Sunny:"excuse me ?"
-Omori:"you're right about everyone being alive, and happy. but, you miss them, am i right ? your friends from the REAL world."
-Sunny:"yeah... i miss them..."
-Omori:"do you regret killing yourself ?"
-Sunny:"shut it , Omori. why are you asking me questions when you literally know the answer ?"
-Omori:"testing you. well, let's go live another adventure all together, shall we ?"
and Omori opened the big white door, entering the Neighbor's room.
-Aubrey:"Omori ! you're back !"
-Kel:"i was bored ! let's go on adventure and explore new things !" Kel said, starting to walk toward the stairs to leave.
-Aubrey:"wait a second, Kel ! we got to make sure Omori's fine first. Omori, are you okay ?"
Omori nodded, and made sign with his head to follow him, going on adventures. they leave the room, and they walk toward the playground, where Mari and Basil awaits them. once arrived to the playground, Aubrey takes Omori's hand and runs to Mari's picnic blanket.
-Aubrey:"Mari, Mari ! look, Omori's here !"
-Mari:"ah ! Omori !" she pulled Omori in a tight hug for some seconds, before pulling back.
-Mari:"you've gotta stop disappearing like that ! you know my heart can't take it..."
Omori made a thumb up, keeping that blank face of his.
-Kel:"yo Basil ! how's it going with your flowers stuff ?"
-Basil:"ah, hi Kel... my flowers are doing great, thanks for asking."
the kids of the group started to talk and laugh together, as Mari and Hero, the two older in the group, talks to each other.
-Hero:"so, what did you bring for your picnic today ?"
-Mari:"there's some fruits, sandwiches, candies, orange joe for Kel and bunch of other drinks, and my homemade cookies !"
-Hero:"woaw, you really put a lot of love when preparing the picnics, don't you ?"
-Mari:"of course i do !"
-Hero:"i love how you always put so much love and care in everything, i admire that !"
-Mari:"and i love how much you love and take care of the littles !"
-Hero:"ah, thank you..." Hero's cheeks became a bit pink, and he looked away in embarrassment, making Mari giggle and more eager to tease him."
-Mari:"is my Hero all flustered and embarrassed ?~"
-Hero:"n-no ! i don't know of what you're talking about..." and Mari laughed again, Hero's cheeks getting even more pink.
-Kel:"eww, gross..." intervened Kel, but Aubrey slaps him behind the head.
-Aubrey:"shut it Kel ! love is beautiful ! you're the gross one here."
-Kel:"ouch ! what was that for ? and i'm not gross !"
-Aubrey:"yes you are !" Hero sighed and rolled his eyes in a joking manner, and Mari giggled
-Hero:"Aubrey, Kel, stop it."
-Kel:"she started it !"
-Aubrey:"liar !"
-Hero:"Kel, i said stop. same goes for you Aubrey. you two must learn to get along."
-Basil:"even if they learn to, they'll always fight for small things like that... that's classic Aubrey and Kel."
-Mari:"let's just start the picnic already !"
they all nodded, and Mari gives a sandwich to everyone, and she gives everyone's a drink. they all thanked Mari for the picnic, and they started eating their sandwiches.
"i miss these picnics so much." Omori thought, while eating his sandwich, looking at everyone laughing, smiling, talking and eating peacefully.
-Basil:"you okay Omori ?" Omori took time to stop thinking and to answer Basil. he nodded, and kept eating his sandwich, slowly.
how much he misses seeing her smile, hearing her voice, her baking... but he also misses everyone else, but somebody else very specific. he looks at Kel, the energetic boy, always smiling, making everyone happy. he misses him so much too, he misses hearing his actual voice, being comforted by him, laughing with him, cuddling and all of that. he wish he could do it with headspace Kel, but it's just impossible... they are just two young best friends... he hopes that Kel is still happy, he doesn't know that he also left after him.

once the picnic is done, Kel, Aubrey, Hero and Omori goes on adventures, walking toward the beach. Omori goes in the water first, followed by Aubrey, Kel and then Hero. they start to swim, like if they were going toward the Deep Well. Omori keeps swimming, and he feels like he's swimming in an endless beach. he looks behind him, and to his surprise, Aubrey, Kel, and Hero aren't here anymore. he looks back in front of him, and he starts to see a bridge in the distance. he swims until he reaches it, and get out of the water. he walks on the long bridge for some good minutes, until he reaches someone. but Omori knew something was wrong... he looked to his right and seeing Something. he wants to stop the truth from tormenting Sunny even if he's dead. he goes back in white space, where Sunny was sleeping, and Omori kneeled next to him, took his knife, and stabbed Sunny to wake him up.
and here we go again, the cycle repeats himself...
see you in chapter 16 :D

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