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Sunny is bored. he doesn't know what to do. he's all alone, in his house. he could do anything he wants to, like going on a walk, drawing, reading, calling his friends... bunch of things ! Sunny is thinking of what to do, but he can't find any motivation to do anything. he doesn't feel like going outside, he doesn't feel like reading... he's even lazy to call his friends. he just remains silent in bed.

[14th july 2023, 3:16pm - Faraway town]
the friend group is back to their hidden spot, chilling on a blanket in the grass. everyone is talking and laughing, beside Kel, who seems lost on his thought.

-Hero:"hey bro, you alright ? you've been zoning out."
Hero said, nudging his little brother gently.
-Kel:"oh yeah ! sorry, i was just thinking about Sunny..."
-Aubrey:"don't worry, he's coming in 4 days ! you'll see your cute little Sunshine again soon"
Aubrey said teasingly, expecting Kel's usual reaction: "i'm gonna beat yo ass up if you don't stop with that nickname !"
-Kel:"no... not in that way... don't you think that Sunny is acting different lately ?"
-Basil:"depends on what you call different... what do you mean by that ?"
-Kel:"well... he has a new bandage that hides his self harm cuts on almost all of his left arm, he seems colder, he runs away from his house... he's been quite distant. he didn't called us in 2 days, if we don't count when i called him yesterday's evening..."
-Aubrey:"Kel has a point. there is obviously something bothering him."
-Hero:"but what, why and since when ? these are the questions..."
-Kel:"it hurts me to say that but... i think Sunny hasn't fully forgave himself for Mari's accident... he's probably still blaming himself, and it must affect him a lot."
-Basil:"t-that would make sense..."
-Kel:"i think i'll have a serious talk with him when he comes back here."
Kel said, and he sighs. he has to know what's going, he wants to help Sunny. it's his job as a boyfriend, to make sure that Sunny is okay, happy and safe.


Sunny spend his morning and afternoon writing, drawing and reading. he didn't moved a lot in his room, he didn't even left it since he woke up.
-?????:"what was the point of telling them the truth if you shut yourself in even more after ?"
-Sunny: because... i didnt deserved to be saved THAT DAY. i should've been dead now.
-?????:"but you are soon... so why not enjoy your last 6 days ?"
Sunny stayed silent. he didn't knew what to answer. he closes his book and put it away. he finally leaves his room, going to the bathroom and he takes a moment to stare at himself in the mirror.

 he finally leaves his room, going to the bathroom and he takes a moment to stare at himself in the mirror

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he feels so ashamed. he's still the monster he always used to think he is. he wants time to go faster, so he can leave faster. he feels something falling of his face, something wet.
Sunny starts to cry.


[16th july 2023, 8:27pm]
Sunny is sitting on his bed, hugging his knees and burying his face in them, crying. blood wont stop dripping from his arms. he wished for one thing.
for his friends to keep going with their live and to be as happy as they used to.


20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now