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self harm mention
suicide mention
horrific and disturbing scene
-Sunny:"i just... i've been struggling a lot.. with Mari's death... even after i told the truth to all of you, i wasn't able to forgive myself... and the guilt, the shame, the depression... it just wont go away. that's why i've been self harming, to let the guilt and everything out, i guess..."
-Kel:"listen, Mari's death wasn't your fault. you pushed her on accident, you never meant to do that. you were 12, you didn't knew what was going on. Mari wants you to be happy, even if she's gone. that's what she always told you, right ?"
Sunny nods, he doesn't know what to say. he doesn't want to speak in details. he can't handle hearing his sister's name, it brings him all of the good, but also all of the bad memories, making an awful mess of guilt and shame in his head.
-Kel:"Sunny... are you still going to your therapy sessions ?"
-Sunny:"no, it's been a while since i stopped going to them..."
-Kel:"but i think that when you were going there, you seemed doing better. i think you should go back to your sessions, for your own sake."
-Sunny:"i don't want to... at least, not for now."
Kel nods, and a serious question just popped in his mind. Kel himself is shocked that he's thinking this. he takes a deep breath.
-Kel:"Sunny... since you've been self harming... tell me, do you have... suicidal thoughts ?"
Sunny looks at Kel, and he's "shocked". he shakes his head quickly to say an immediate "no"
-Sunny:"no, no, no ! i know i've been self harming but... i don't want to commit suicide... i love you all too much... i can't leave you behind."
Sunny said in a serious and convincing tone. Kel believes Sunny, and he nods
-Kel:"alright then... that's good. thank you for opening up, i love you Sunny."
Kel pulls Sunny in a tight hug. he obviously hugs him back, and buries his head in his chest, feeling comfortable with Kel.
-Sunny:"i love you too."
the two boys end up cuddling with each other, as they both laugh and talk together until late at night.

[19th july 2023, 9:36am]
Kel slowly opens his eyes, and rub them. he looks next to him, and he sees Sunny, sleeping peacefully and quietly next to him. he smiles at Sunny, and he gets out of bed, careful to not wake his boyfriend. Kel goes downstairs, to the kitchen, and Hero is here.
-Kel:"sup man !"
-Hero:"good morning bro, Sunny is still sleeping ?"
-Kel:"yup, he was sleeping so peacefully, so i let him sleep for a bit longer."
Kel grabs a glass, and he puts orange juice in it. Hero made some pancakes, so he takes one a take a bite.
-Hero:"alright. speaking of Sunny, tomorrow is his birthday !"
-Kel:"yes, he's going to be 18 already... i hope that he will like his gifts."
-Hero:"i'm pretty sure he will, there's nothing to worry about !"
-Kel:"yeah, you're right !"
Kel finishes his pancake and his glass of orange juice. he continues to talk with Hero for some minutes.


he said, suddenly putting both of his hands on Kel's waist.
-Kel:"ah !" Kel turned around to see Sunny with a mischievous grin. "you scared me !"
it's clear that Sunny just woke up. his hair a still a bit messy, but he still has that mischievous grin, and he giggles when he sees Kel's reaction. Hero also giggled.
-Sunny:"you should've seen your face !"
-Kel:"meanie !"
Kel said, and he lifts Sunny up, also giggling. he gives him a kiss on the forehead, and he puts Sunny back on the ground.
-Kel:"how did you slept, Sunshine ?"
-Sunny:"good, thanks. what about you ?"
-Kel:"i slept good too ! you want to eat some breakfast ?"
-Sunny:"not thanks, i'm not specially hungry in the morning."
-Kel:"oh okay ! don't hesitate if you're hungry, okay ?"
Sunny gives a thumb up to Kel. they spend a normal morning.

[19th july 2023, 4:43pm]
Kel is annoying Aubrey like always.
-Aubrey:"Kel, will you stop ?!"
she said as she gave Kel a bump on his head. Kel is totally amused by annoying her.
-Aubrey:"Basil, did you just took a picture !?"
-Basil:"nooo... what are you talking about ?"
Basil said in a playful tone, Basil shows the picture to everyone.

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now