still together forever

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(it has now been 4 months since Sunny's suicide, it's the 10th november, and tomorrow, it's Kel's birthday. Aubrey, and Basil finally accepted Sunny's death, and Kel also "accepted")
Hero, Aubrey, Basil and Kel are hanging at their hang out spot, and they all are sharing a good time together. it's snowing, and Sunny used to love play with snow, and making snowball fights. it feels a bit emptier since Sunny is not here anymore.
Aubrey:"gotcha !" Aubrey said, throwing a snowball at Hero and laughing, Hero makes a snowball and he throws at Aubrey, but hitting Basil.
-Basil:"hey ! not fair !"
-Hero:"sorry, i meant to throw at Aubrey !"
-Aubrey:"ouch !"
-Kel:"don't hit my bro you b!tch !"
Kel said with a proud and playful tone, Hero and Kel laughs at how Aubrey got hit by Kel.
-Basil:"i think we should stop now, we are all wet !"
-Hero:"yeah ! Basil's right."
they all sit on the blank on the cold snow, and they start to talk together and laugh
-Basil:"hey, i was thinking.. i have my photo album with me, how about we go through it ?"
-Aubrey:"oh yeah ! why not !"
they all start to go through Basil's photo album, and of course, there are photos with Sunny smiling, laughing, hugging Kel, drinking limonade on hot days...
-Hero:"if only Sunny and Mari were there... they used to love make snowmen and snowball fights together !"
-Aubrey:"yeah ! i remember when Basil, Sunny and Mari were building a snowman and Kel was making angels in the snow !"
-Kel:"yeah... i remember that too... the good times."
Hero puts his hand on Kel's shoulder, making a comforting smile.
-Hero:"but at least, we should be happy they happened, right ?"
-Kel:"yeah, you're right, we should be happy that they happened."
-Aubrey:"even if Sunny and Mari left, they are still here ! not physically, but i'm sure they are here, with us, right now."
-Basil:"we are still all together forever after all !"
-Hero:"exactly !"
and Kel smiled, a tear fell down his cheek. they all made a friend group hug.
see you in chapter 14 !!

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now