a night like the others.

176 5 8

please, be careful. you have been warned.
[12th july 2023, 7:46pm]
it's getting very dark outside, and everyone went back to their house, happy of their day spent together and they are now just cooling around with their family. everyone, expect for one. Sunny's mother brought Sunny back home, as they moved in house in a small town again, not very far from Faraway town.

-Sunny's mother: "how was your day, sweetie ?"
Sunny gives his mother a thumb up, to say that his day was fine.
Sunny's mother: "i'm glad then ! if you search for me, i'm in the backyard."


*meow !*

Mewo heard Sunny coming back, and she immediately ran to him. Sunny kneels down and pats Mewo for some seconds. the cat is rubbing herself against Sunny's legs and hands while purring.
-Sunny:"you must be hungry..."
he said to Mewo, in a low voice, almost whispering. he gets back up and he walks toward the kitchen, with Mewo following. he takes cat food, and put some in Mewo's bowl. he also puts water in the other bowl.
-Sunny:"there you go..."

he said, and gave her a last pat on her head, before leaving the kitchen, heading upstairs.

he opens his bedroom door, and goes to his wardrobe. he takes his pyjamas, and leaves his room right after, closing the door behind him. he walks to the bathroom. once in, he locks the door and put his pyjamas on the border of the sink. he leaves the water run in the bathtub, while he undresses himself. after some seconds, he stops the water from running in the bathtub, and he goes in. he sits in the warm water of the bath, and he takes a deep breath, before closing his eyes, taking a moment to clear his mind and relax.



-Sunny:"where am i !?"
he thought to himself. he can't breathe, and everything is dark. he looks around, but there's nothing to see.

-?????:"Sunny, how long will you keep going with this stupid acting ?"
-Sunny:"what ? who said that !?"
-?????:"like i said, you're such a liar. you make everyone believe in a lie, by acting fine. how long will you keep lying to your friends ?"

Sunny is starting to run out of oxygen. he feels dizzy.

-Sunny:"I can't let them know... they think i forgave myself, and i want them to think that i'm fine !"
-?????:"liar. you can't run from your fate anymore. 20th july... THE DAY OF YOUR SUICIDE.

Sunny suddenly opens his eyes again, and gasps. he looks around him, feeling a bit dizzy and lightheaded. he takes a deep breath, calming himself down. after a minute, he gets out of the bathtub, grabs his towel and dries himself. he then put on his pyjama, and he goes to the mirror, staring at his reflexion for a moment.


he then leaves the bathroom, and goes back to his bedroom.

his bedroom is plunged into darkness, only a bit of the moonlight makes it a little bit brighter. he goes over his desk and he opens a drawer.

*shling !*

he gets a shiny and sharp knife out. he walks toward his bed and sits on it, the blade getting closer to his left arm.

"do it, do it, do it. you only deserve that. you must suffer for what you did. do it. go ahead, cut, cut and cut ! do it ! you'll feel better afterwards. do it ! let yourself feel the pain ! that's what you deserve."

the voices are pushing Sunny to his limits, like every night. he presses the blade on his arm, and makes a first cut, then a second, a third, a fourth...


after some cuts, Sunny stops himself, blood is dripping from his arm and his shiny knife. he gets up from his bed, reach for another drawer of his desk, and takes out a compress, and a tissue box. he puts the compress on his cuts, and he presses it on them for a while, in order to stop the blood from dripping. after that, he takes a tissue out of the box, and he wipes his knife with it. he then searches for his bandage, to hide his wounds and scars, but he realises... he forgot it in the bathroom. he doesn't want to leave his room, yet he has too, or his mother could notice his multiple scars. he goes back in the bathroom, takes the bandage he forget and...

he looked at the mirror.

(edited drawing by me)IT was behind him, again

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(edited drawing by me)
IT was behind him, again... he took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a second. he then opened them again, and Something was gone. he then leaves the bathroom, goes back in his room, puts the bandages around his arm, and lays down on his bed, feeling tired. he slowly falls asleep.
and that's the end of this chapter !
i hope you're enjoying this story :D

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now