"Wipe That Smirk Off Your Face"- Famous Last Words by Christen Press

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"Boo." You mumbled in Kristie's ear, voice still deep from your long slumber on the plane.

Your older sister let out a terrified shriek, causing the rest of your teammates gathered in the hotel's lobby to snicker.

"Y/N Y/M/N Mewis!" She scolded, smacking you repeatedly on the shoulder as you stood there, unfazed. "How many times have Sam and I told you to stop doing that?"

You shrugged. "It's fun, Kris."

"Whatever," The Midfielder said, rolling her eyes. "It's not scary anyways."

"Ooookay, Kristie, let's not get ahead of ourselves," you smirked. "If it's not that scary, then I'll just have to make my jumpscares scarier."



"Hi everyone," Vlatko began. "I'm very excited to have you all here at this World Cup."

The team clapped and cheered, all equally excited to be there.

"You've probably seen many familiar faces, but we have a new one this tournament. Y/N, would you like to introduce yourself?"

You awkwardly shuffled up next to Vlatko, waving to the team as you walked.

"Hi, I'm Y/N Mewis, I'm 16 and I play as a Striker for Arsenal," you inwardly cringed at yourself, wishing you could hide behind your 6-foot sister and never come out. "And u-um, Kristie and Sam are my older sisters... unfortunately."


You sent them your trademark mischevious grin. "Sorry not sorry."

Vlatko chuckled. "Sibling bonds, always a pleasure. Now, let's talk about schedule..."


"TEAM BONDING IN MINE AND ALYSSA'S ROOM!" Sonnett yelled as she ran through the hallway.

You groaned as Sam and Kristie patted you on the shoulder.

"It's not that bad," Sam hummed comfortingly. "Really."

You only began trudging towards the elevator in response, not-so-eagerly heading to your interrogation chamber.


"Y/N, Truth or Dare?" Rose asked from her spot on Sonnett's bed.

"Truth," you mumbled. "Let's get this interrogation over with."

Rubbing her hands together eagerly, she said, "Who's your favorite sister?"

You froze, eyes whipping back and forth between Kristie and Sam.

"I-I-I-" you stuttered, palms sweaty. "Th- I-"

"Nice job, Rose," Alex said sarcastically. "You broke the rookie on the first question."

"Okay, okay, I'll ask a different question," she waved dismissively. "How'd you sign for Arsenal at such a young age?"

You cleared your throat. "Jonas was scouting at two of my high school games, and I guess he liked what he saw."

"I'm glad you're on our team," Rose exclaimed."You are terrifying to play against."

"Thanks," you stated, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. "Sammy Bananas! Truth or Dare?"

Sam shuddered. "Truth. Your dares are awful."

A devilish grin came upon your face, one your teammates were sure to become acquainted with after a couple of games.

"Y/N, no." Sam tried, suddenly fearful. "Just ask a normal quest-"

"What's your favorite position?"



"-UP! Y/N! GET UP!" Kristie yelled.

"Fuck off."


"Yeah, I'm speaking English, what about it?"

"You're the worst," Kristie huffed. "We have training in an hour, get ready to go."

You only mumbled in response, stumbling towards the bathroom. "Be out in a minute..."


You trudged over to the table into the corner that was farthest from the rest of the team, head touching down onto the table next to your bowl of cereal.

Chairs scraped against the floor next to you a moment later, the Vets apparently thinking you could function this early in the morning without caffeine.

"Hey kiddo," Tobin greeted, frowning when you didn't respond. "Kiddo?"

Kristie walked over, placing a coffee down next to your head before walking away. "Coffee."

Your hand shot out, wrapping around the cup as you gulped it down.

You looked directly at Tobin. "You say something?"

Kelley chuckled. "Someone's not a morning person."

"I'm usually a lot worse," you stated, taking a bite of your cereal. "My Arsenal teammate can't get me out of bed any other way, so she carries me downstairs."

"She ever try waterboarding you?" Kelley asked, amused. "That always does the trick."

You shook your head. "I pulled her down onto the bed after she dumped the bucket on me and fell back asleep."

Christen groaned jokingly. "We've got another mischevious one on our hands."

"No, Y/N's ten times worse," Sam interjected as she passed by. "She gets a cheeky smirk on her face."

The Vets turned white at the thought.

Tobin winced. "She can't be worse than Sonnett-"

"No, Sonnett's an angel compared to Y/N."

"I'm not that bad," you smirked momentarily before schooling your face into a pleasant expression. "Sammy's just upset that I'm the favorite child."

"Am not!"


"Scrimmage!" Vlatko called. "Alex (yellow team,) Kristie (red team,) your picks!"

"Christen!" Alex called.

"Y/N!" Kristie yelped.

Alex smirked. "Got a lot of faith in your little sister? Well, she's not used to how the Vets play. Worms!"





"Red team, corner kick!"

Eyes meeting your sister's, you smirked, jogging over to take the ball.

It did not go unnoticed by Christen.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, rookie," she teased. "You may send in a mean ball, but your annoyingly tall sisters are both marked."

Your cocky smile only grew bigger as you raised your arm.

Sam and Kristie merely walked outside of the 6-yard box, much to the yellow team's confusion.

And then the ball hit the back of the net.

They gaped as you jogged over to resume your position, eyes wide as you clapped your hands to snap them out of their stupor.

"What are you guys waiting for?" You shouted questioningly. "We still have 10 minutes of practice."

"What the FU-"



This seems familiar, doesn't it? 😉

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading!

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