Haha... Ha... Hell No, Bitch!

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Just had a Taekwondo test and cut my foot on a board, if this chapter sucks blame the blood loss
"Y/N!" Rose called from the back. "You excited for the final?"

"Hell no," you stated, turning to face the window. "I'm going to shit my pants. Then throw up. Then cry. Maybe all at the same time."

The team chuckled.

"You said that during the Round of 16," Sam reminded. "You scored a hat trick."

"Yeah, so? This is the World Cup FINAL, not the Round of 16," you stressed. "Also, I have a bad feeling about this."

Sonnett shook her head. "You'll be fine."


"Are you fucking kidding me?" You hissed as Alyssa went down in the box. The team was leading 2-1 against the Oranjeleeuwinnen, the only goals coming from you, Christen, and Viv (A/N: That's actually not what happened, but bear with me here.)

You desperately hoped that Alyssa was still good to play. You had no more subs, but the way that Lieke Martens' knee had collided with the Keeper's head, you weren't so sure.

Milling about the field as you waited impatiently, Vlatko called you over.

"Y/N," he spoke quickly, thrusting a pair of Keeper's gloves and a jersey into your hands much like your high school coach had done long ago. "I understand that you have experience as a Keeper. Since we have no more subs, this is our only option."

"Haha... ha... hell no, bitch!" You protested loudly. "Are we trying to lose?"

"Please, Y/N," he begged, forcing your palms open as he placed the Keeper's gear into your sweaty hands. "You're the only one who knows how to play in goal."

"Fine," you grumbled, pulling on the gloves before donning the shirt. "I want a raise."

You plastered a fake smile on as you waved to the crowd, absolutely dreading the pain that would most certainly be coming your way.


"Oof!" You grunted to no one in particular as you fell to the ground, batting away a shot from Beerensteyn. "Goddamn, can I fuckin' breathe?"

"Nah!" Kelley shouted back as you prepared to take the goal kick.

You gestured towards the Orange Lionesses' goal, Alex giving you a discreet thumbs up from the other half of the field as you swung your foot back.

You merely sucked in a breath as Alex, her Dutch Defender, and Sari van Veenendaal all missed the ball, the object bouncing in the 6 yard box before rolling over the goal line mockingly.

The stadium was silent for a moment, all staff, audience members, players and coaches alike watched the replay in silence. A moment later, the crowd interrupted into cheers as your team collectively jumped on top of you.

"Ow! Who the fuck's planting their elbow in my face?" You complained, shoving the mass of USWNT subs and field players off of you. "If you're gonna dogpile, then do it properl—"

"You crazy son of a bitch!" Mal grinned, pulling you into a headlock as you sputtered in annoyance. "You're insane!"

"I know, thanks!" You wheezed as you attempted to shove her arms away. "Now, if you would kindly let me breathe—"

"Y/N!" Alex exclaimed, pulling you into a sweaty hug of her own. "That was amazing!"

"Yeah, thanks, can I fuckin' brea—"

"Y/N!" Vlatko beamed as he tackled you in a hug. "I knew you could do it!"

"We still have 10 more minutes, don't jinx it!" You complained. "I didn't just score a full-field goal just for the Netherlands to make a comeback in the last couple of minutes!"

Vlatko held up his hands in surrender as you gasped for air. "Okay, okay. Keep it up, Little Mewis!"


"YEAAAAAAAH!" You shouted happily, jumping into the air as you raised a fist in excitement. After your full-fueld goal, the Netherlands had been completely unable to make a comeback.

"Y/N!" Kristie (A/N: I don't think Kristie was on the 2019 WWC roster... oh well, too late now) called, beaming as she rushed towards you. "I'm so fucking proud!"

You smiled, burying yourself into your oldest sister's warm embrace. "I love you."

She kissed the top of your head. "I love you too."

"Y/NNNN!" Sam screeched, throwing her arms around both you and Kristie. "We fucking did it!"

"Yeah!" You cheered, sprinting away from your siblings and towards the sidelines. "Let's go talk to Mom and Dad so I can tell them you both said the f-word in front of me!"



A short one... but I'm tired as fuck and I got to go change me bandages

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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