Take a Step Back

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"Y/N," Kim said, snapping her fingers in your face when you didn't respond. "Y/N?"

You stared at her blankly. "Yeah?"

"Maybe ye' should take a step back," the Scott suggested. "It could be good for ye'."

You jumped to your feet, almost losing your balance and falling onto Leah at the sudden movement as you glared at the asorted Gunners in your living room. "Not a chance!"

"Y/N," Jordan tried gently. "Just take a week or two off. It'll clear your head."

You scowled, crossing your arms stubbornly. "I don't need to take no fookin' break, I need to get back on that damn pitch and try harder!"

Katie grabbed you by the sleeve, pulling you back onto the couch so that your head rested against her chest.

"C'mon, Y/N," the Irishwoman pleaded, scratching the top of your head softly. "We've all done it."

Your eyes locked onto Viv's as the Dutchie smiled empathetically.

"Do you trust us?" She asked, gaze never wavering from yours.

"Yes." Without a doubt.

"Then take a break," Viv advised. "It's what's best for you at the moment."


"Ehm... hi, Jonas," you greeted awkwardly as the Manager picked up the phone. "I had a question..."

"Hi, Y/N," He said, a concerned tone to his voice. "Are you alright? You gave us quite the scare the other day."

You chuckled dryly. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I was calling to see if- if I could... get a few days off? I'm just strugglin' with—"

"Of course!" Jonas instantly agreed. "Just let me know when you're feeling burnt out, I'll give you as much time as you need."

"Thanks, Jonas. It means a lot."



"Hi, Little Mewis," Viv poked her head in after knocking on your bedroom door. "I'm just stopping by to see if you want to grab a coffee with me?"

You raised your eyebrows, looking up from your book. "Why didn't yous just call me?"

She shrugged. "I was close by anyways."

"I guess," you mumbled. "Not like I have anythin' to do anyways."


"So, Little Mewis," Viv started, wrapping her hands around her coffee cup. "D'you want to tell me how you're feeling?"

You shrugged nonchalantly. "Fine."

You caved when she gave you 'the look'. "I's is just... stressed."

Viv raised her eyebrows questioningly. "That's it?"

You hummed. "Ye'."

"There's something else you're not telling me," the Striker persisted. "You need to talk to somebody about this or the breaks you take will not make a difference to the way you feel."

"I don't know, okay? I'm scared to fail. I'm scared to let everybody down. I don't want to disappoint any of yous or me sisters. I just—" your voice cracked as you shoved a fist to your mouth. "I just can't."

Viv squeeze your unoccupied hand gently. "It'll be okay, Mini McCabe. Even if you do fail, we'll be standing behind you. We're not going to judge you. We all make mistakes, and we're going to pick you back up again. Okay?"

A small smile made its way onto your face. "Okay."


"Y/N! You've got a visitor!" Katie yelled from downstairs. "Hurry up and move that arse!"

You grumbled in annoyance before shouting back, "I'm comin', hold your damn horses!"

Making your way down the stairs, you gaped upon seeing your "visitor".

"Sammy Bananas!" You beamed, jumping onto her as she grunted. "I've missed yous!"

She patted you on the back. "I missed you too. I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay after... y'know."

You squeezed her tightly. "I will be."

"Are you sure? Pressure and nerves don't usually go away so quick."

"I'm sure. I've got the Gunners behind me."




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