How Would You Feel About...

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"Y/N," Katie stated, causing you to look up from your phone. "How would you feel about going to see me family during the break next week?"

You shook your head. "I don't want to intrude on anythin'."

"Come on," the Defender persisted. "They've been beggin' to meet you. Besides, your idiocy spices things up."

"If you're sure," you said, turning your attention back to the video you were watching. "When's the flight?"

"Next Tuesday, 8 A.M."

You groaned. "Nevermind, too early."

"No take backs."

"I'll show you no take backs."

The Republic of Ireland captain raised her eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I dunno."

"Wh- nevermind."


"Y/N! Get up, we've a flight to catch!" Katie singsonged, throwing the door open noisily.

"Nooooo," you groaned, shoving your head under your pillow. "Piss off."

You'd thought you'd successfully driven away the Irish Defender as her footsteps could be heard farther and farther away, until they returned with another.


"Y/N Y/M/N Mewis," The English Captain scolded. "If you don't get out of bed this minute I'm calling Kim."

You glared at her. "Fine."

She raised her eyebrows in confusion at your lack of movement. "Are you gonna get up or- ?"

You rolled over onto your stomach. "You said and I quote, 'If you don't get out of bed this minute, I'm calling Kim'. I still have another forty seconds."

"I'm calling Alexia."



"Hey, Cait, where are ye' off to?" Katie asked the Forward as you began to lean against the Irish captain. "Home?"

She nodded. "Yeah, you?"

"Yup," Katie confirmed, not realizing that you'd fallen asleep standing up. "I'm bringin' this one out to meet the fam. Right, Y/N?"

They waited for your response before you begun snoring, your tiredness becoming apparent as both women looked at you curiously.

"She's out," Caitlin giggled. "Stay there, lemme' take a pic."

Your temporary pillow was unable to stop herself from laughing. "She slept, for like, ten hours, how is she so exhausted?"

Caitlin shook her head in amusement. "This is goin' on Insta."

Katie grinned. "She's gonna hate ya'."

"Totally worth it."

You suddenly blinked, yawning. "What's worth it?"

The two shared a look. "Nothing!"


"Katie-kins, are we there yet?" You whined, fiddling with your fingerless gloves.

"No," she deadpanned, flipping the page of whatever magazine she was reading. "And stop calling me that."

"Aw," you pouted. "Okay."

You turned slightly to stare out the window, the activity keeping you entertained for a grand total of about two minutes.

"What about now?" You questioned innocently.



"What 'bout-"

"Shut the fook' up!"


"Finally!" Katie exclaimed as the plane landed. "Being stuck on a plane with you is awful!"

You feigned offense. "My mum told me I was delightful, all you calling her a liar?"


You gaped at her as you exited the plane. "I'm tellin' her ye' said that."

"Hoi, guys," Katie stated, ignoring your last statement as she went to hug her family. "Missed yous."

You hung back awkwardly, playing with your gloved hands while Katie greeted her parents and siblings.

"Is this the famous Y/N we've been hearin' about?" Asked Katie's mom, a wide smile on her face as she pulled you into a warm embrace of her own. "Welcome!"

The Irish captain smirked as you blinked rapidly. "Y-yea', hoi. Good to meet ye'."

Her dad smirked. "Katie, isn't she American? Why's she got a perfect Irish accent?"

She shrugged. "Dunno."

You shoved your hands in your pockets. "Yea', ye' do. This accent's the result of quarantinin' with ye'."

The Defender held up her hands innocently. "I dunno what yer' on about."

You stuck out your tongue, your unofficial second mom returning the gesture without hesitation.

Lauryn, Katie's younger sister, giggled. "I like her. She makes Katie look stupid."



"Really?" You grinned. "Didn't take you for a player, Katie."

She flushed bright red. "Lauryn, stop giving her more material! This little goblin makes fun of me enough."

The U17 player snickered. "It's not my fault there's a lot to give."

"I'm going to the toilet, you shut up."

As Katie got up from the sofa, Lauryn clasped her hands together and leaned forwards.

"So," she began as soon as her sister was out of earshot. "Any gossip on the love life?"

You raised your eyebrows questioningly. "Nope. Why do you ask?"

She shrugged nonchalantly. "Just askin'. So, you're single?"

"More or less."

"You into girls?"


Lauryn smiled, tossing you a crumpled up piece of paper. "Looks like you can call me whenever, then."

"Are you flirting with me, McCabe?"

"Maybe I am."

You shook your head politely. "Your sister will kill me."

"She won't," Lauryn smoothed out her shorts. "Whether or not she wants to admit it, Katie cares about you. I'm pretty sure she'll kill me if I hurt you, not the other way 'round."

You pondered for a moment before nodding your head slowly. "Maybe I'll give you that call, McCabe."

She grinned. "I'll be waiting."

This was not the plan... oh fuck.

Well, um... you're 17 and she's 16... so I just kinda had the idea... aw fuck help

Hope you enjoyed... thanks for reading 😭

Ik ben een idioot 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♀️

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