I'm Better, Just Give Up

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"Samantha." You growled.
"Y/N." Your sister huffed.

"What the hell is going on?" Christen questioned, her and the rest of the team looking at Kristie.

Kristie shook her head. "It's a sibling rivalry thing. But, like, they're both so stubborn that it's ten times worse than anything you've ever seen."

They watched as you whispered something in Sam's ear.

The two of you shook hands, matching sneers on both of your faces as Vlatko shook his head in amusement. "Let's go, guys!"

You flipped your hair over you shoulder, whacking Sam in the face. "I'm better, just give up."



"Hoi Kelley," you said, demonstrating a quick succession of stepovers before megging the Defender. "Bye Kelley."

"Wha‐?" She asked, astonished. "But-"

"Hoi Lyssy," you stated, dribbling past the Keeper before backheeling the ball through the woman's legs. "Sorry Lyssy."

"What the hell?" She gaped. "The fu-"

"Shit," Kristie mumbled. "Not this again. Please, anything but this."

"What is it?" Becky jogged up to the Midfielder. "You're scaring me."

"You should be. They're having a nutmeg competition. Anything and everything is fair game. I don't know how their point system works, but they have one that they've been using for years."

Lindsey shuddered. "That is not something you wanna hear when you're at practice with them."

Kristie shook her head in disapproval. "They're so immatu— HEY!"

The sounds of your gremlin laughter rang throughout the pitch as you just barely smacked the ball through Kristie's idle legs. "27! BEAT THAT STINKY SAMMY!"

Sam scoffed. "That's not possible. You were at 18, like, 5 seconds ago."

You smirked. "Ye', but I megged Kelley, backheel megged Alyssa, and megged Kristie."

"How many points is a backheel again?"



Sonnett snickered. "Oh my god, how old are they again?"

"Five, apparently," Kristie sighed, placing a hand in her hip and the other pinching the bridge of her nose. "Why me?"


"I win, sucker!" You gloated, roughly bumping Sam into the wall with your shoulder. "As usual."

Your older sister bumped your shoulder right back, sending you careening into the opposite wall. "Shut up."

"Will you two both shut up?" Kristie grumbled, rubbing her temples. "You're giving me a headache."

You and Sam shared a glance before responding simultaneously. "Nope!"

"Goddamn it."


"OI! SAMMY SALAMI! OPEN UP!" You yelled, banging on the Midfielder's door.

She opened it, allowing you inside with the rest of the team gathered in various places around the room.

"We were just playing Truth or Dare," Mal informed you with a smile. "Wanna join?"

You shrugged. "Sure, why not."

Tobin cleared her throat. "Little Mewis, Truth or Dare?"


"Call a friend, sing a song, then hang up."

"Okay, I'll call me favorite Aussie."

Kristie choked on her water. "Y/N, don't—"

1 minute later:

"Hey, Y/N, what's—"



Lindsey snickered. "Sam, Truth or Dare?"

"Da— truth."

You shook your head with a smirk. "You said Dare, no changing your choice."

Sam glared at you. "Who asked?"

You gasped. "I know ye' did not just 'who asked' me."

"I did."

The team's heads whipped back and forth as if they were all watching an intense match of tennis.

You tackled the Tower of Power to the floor, pulling her into a headlock as she wriggled around. "No one says that anymore ye' fookin' normy!"

Kristie groaned, pulling out her phone and calling a number on FaceTime. "Mom? Sam and Y/N are wrestling on the floor again."

You and Sam launched yourself into a standing position, awkwardly waving at the camera.

"H-hoi, mum." "Heeeeeey mom."

Your mom shook her head. "What am I supposed to do with you two?"

"Yer' supposed to—"

"It was a rhetorical question." She interrupted.

"Right, I knew that."


"Vlatkooooo," you whined, twirling a pen between your fingers. "Do we 'ave to learn stats on Alexia Putellas n' shit? I could just tell you what their weaknesses are."

He chuckled. "No, Y/N. This is important."

You sprang up and out of your seat as your phone rang, said Spanish captain's name flashing at the top of your screen. "Oh look, it's our opponent! I'd better take this so I know more about their weaknesses, ye' 'ave fun!"

Vlatko sighed deeply as you sprinted past the Vets in the front row, sticking your tongue out at them childishly. "Don't take too long, Mewis!"

"Ye', ye', alright!"

You pressed the green button as you took a step into the hallway, a large majority of the ESPWNT appearing on your phone.

"Hey, Little Mewis," Alexia greeted, her and your former Barca teammates waving at you. "What are you up to?"

You shrugged. "Ye' just got me out of a meeting, sooo... thanks."

She chuckled fondly. "You never did like team meetings."

You shrugged again as Aitana giggled. "They're a waste of time, I tell ya'."

"You ready to get your butt kicked?" Ona interjected teasingly. "You're going down, Little Mewis. Especially with the company you keep? No chance!"

"Someday, you'll go far in the world of trash-talking," you said wistfully. "And hopefully, you'll stay there."


I'm so good at writing lmao 😅 the actual most chaotic chapter I have ever seen

Hope you guys enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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