Happy Birthday, Mini-Me!

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You fucking called it.

As soon as you'd cracked your eyes open from your deep slumber, you were met with multiple scary ass clowns staring down at you.

"What the fook'?" You grumbled, shoving the one on your left to the floor. "It's too damn early, get out me face ye' ugly shits."

They snickered as Beth fell on her ass from your push.

"Happy Birthday, Mini-Me!" Katie cheered, her phone already out and recording the whole ordeal.

"Ah, fookin' shit! What the fookin' hell is that? That is one scary arse mask." You yelped, tumbling off the bed next to Beth.

Katie glared at you. "I'm not wearing a mask."

"Ermm... anyways," you scratched the back of your neck awkwardly as Beth, Lotte, and Kyra dissolved into fits of laughter. "Why are ye' all 'ere?"

Multiple sighs could be heard.

"I just said happy birthday, how did you forget?" Katie ran her hand down her face. "Gooners are gonna have a great time makin' fun of you."

You waved your hand dismissively, rolling out of bed slowly. "I'm the best at making fun of people, nothing affects me."

Lotte mumbled, "Except for when they talk about your 8-head."



"Oh good, ye' finally left the lights off, ye' know it burns me eye- aUGH!"

"Happy birthday!" Kyra flipped the lights on to reveal your family, national teammates, Gunners, and the Barca Femeni.

You pressed your palms over your eyes. "Why are ye' all flash bangin' me on me birthday?"

"It's not that bright," Kim frowned. "What are you, a vampire?"

"Yup," Kristie agreed. "She always has been."

"Shut the fook' up," you grumbled, blinking rapidly. "You're supposed to be nice to me, it's me birthday."

"You shoved me on the floor!" Beth exclaimed. "That's not very nice!"

"You were just starin' at me with a clown mask when I opened me eyes."

"That's not the point!" The English woman protested.

Alexia sighed. "Are you all done fighting like children?"


"Ustedes son jodidamente estúpidos." (You're all fucking stupid.)


"So, Y/N," Aitana started. "What do you wanna do today?"

You cracked your knuckles. "I was just gonna practice some Keeper drills so I don't have a repeat of... that- oW!"

"It's your birthday, give football a rest," Leah chided, smacking you in the back of the head as your mom looked on approvingly. "Do we have to hide all the Football equipment in the house today?"

You smirked. "Can't hide anythin' from me, I know all the hidin' spots. You, Katie, and Jordy ever wonder where your hoodies go?"

Jordan's eyes widened. "I thought Leah stole them."

"No, that was me," you shrugged. "Hold on, let me see what's gone."

You pulled a list out of your pocket, unfurling the piece of paper to the point it touched the floor.

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