Je Suis Une Baguette!

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"Y/N!" Katie shouted through the phone, voice blaring in your ear. "That brace was fookin' awesome!"

"wHaA?" you mumbled, disoriented. "'Mm 'wake?"

"Y'know? Yesterday?" she reminded, used to your scrambled eggs for a brain. 

"Wha' 'bout it?" you asked, slipping off the bed and landing on your ass. "Some' die?"

"You made your international debut and scored a brace!" Katie exclaimed. "You can't remember?"

"Oh yeah," you coughed, standing up. "Thanks."

"I know you probably have training, I just wanted to say congrats," Katie said. "I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah, bye."

You slipped into the bathroom, pulling on a T-shirt and shorts before combing your hair. Most people considered 40 degrees (Fahrenheit, 4 Celsius) to be too cold for shorts, but you only really wore pants when it was below 30. 

"Y/N!" Kristie yelled, banging on the door. "Wake the fu- wake the hell up!"

"I'm awake!" you grumbled. "Piss off!"

"LANGUAGE!" she shouted. 

"Je ne parle pas anglais!"


"WHAT?" you parroted.


Opening the door, you mocked, "Why don't you lead by example?"


"SAAAAAAAAAAAM!" you sobbed hysterically, running into the room while holding the back of your head. "KRISTIE HIT ME!"

"Kristie!" Sam scolded. "How many times do we have to tell you to stop abusing Y/N?"

Kristie gaped, coming to a halt in the dining hall's doorway. "I didn't!"

"Protect me, Sammy," you whispered, hiding behind the Tower of Power. "She's mad."

"I know," she whispered back, pushing you behind her protectively. "Trust me."

"I didn't hit her!" Kristie exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "She's being dramatic."

Sam scoffed, the rest of your teammates chuckling at the 3-way sibling banter. "You used to smack me in the back of the head all the time!"

"As a joke!" Kristie protested. "I didn't even hit you two that hard!"

"It stings!" you interjected, smirking at Kristie before plastering a terrified expression back on your face.

"She's lYing!" Kristie yelped, voice cracking.

"Are you calling me a liar?" you gasped, placing a hand to your chest. "I'm offended!"

"Yes." she deadpanned.

"Mewies, you three better hurry up and eat something," Christen cut in, giggling. "We leave for training in thirty minutes."

"Yes, Mom," you mocked, walking over to the buffet before Kristie's hand actually connected with the back of your head. "OW!"


"Wait, Y/N, you speak French?" Lindsey asked, turning to face you.

"Yeah," you stated nonchalantly. Languages had always come naturally to you, unlike... other things.

"Say something!" Sonnett exclaimed, head whipping in your direction.

You cleared your throat as everyone looked at you expectantly. "Je suis une baguette!" ("I am a baguette!")

Lindsey and Kelley erupted into fits of giggles while the rest of the team clapped politely, none of them understanding the phrase.

"That's great!" Lindsey wheezed as Kelley slapped her knee amusedly. "That's awesome!"

"Thanks!" you beamed, eye twitching as you tried to hold in your laughter. "I'm pretty decent, aren't I?"

"Yup!" Kelley chuckled as the bus came to a stop. "C'mon, Little Mewis, why don't you show us your ball skills?"


"Hey Kelley!" You grinned as the older woman defended against you. "Watch this!"

"Hey!" She yelped as you megged both her and Casey with one quick strike, the ball rolling and hitting the back of the net. "I meant show us your ball skills against someone who's not me!"

You smirked. "Intstructions unclear: squirrel angry."

"Hell yeah she's angry!" Kelley glared, attempting to tackle you to the ground in a similar fashion as your Irish Arsenal teammate.

"Oops," you said cheekily, stepping to the side while sticking your foot out to trip the Defender. "Hey, Kelley turned into a flying squirrel!"

She groaned from her spot on the ground. "I quit."

Sonnet snickered. "Don't be salty just because she's a Mini-Tobin."

"Yeah, Kelley," you said innocently as you grabbed a nearby ball to nutmeg Sonnett, who was standing still. "Don't be salty just because I megged you."

"HEY!" Sonnett screeched, seeing the ball rolling out from under her as you ran away. "GET BACK HERE YOU STINKY CHILD!"


Just a little filler chapter with a bunch of fluff, hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading!

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