Wee-Woo Wee-Woo

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"Hi, Y/N," Vlatko greeted as you set down your phone. "How are you?"

You sipped your coffee. "I'm doing alright, thanks. How are ye'?"

"I'm good," he scratched his head. "I was wondering if you'd like to participate in this year's SheBelieves?"

"I'd be happy to," you smiled. "When would the flight be?"

"Next week, I'll email you the details?"

"Yea', if you cou-"

"Mewis! It's 3 in the morning, what are you drinking coffee for?" Leah glared, hands on her hips.

You did a spit take, a string of curses leaving your mouth as you grabbed your phone to run up the stairs. "Vlatko, if I don't show up to camp, it's because this one killed me!"

He chuckled as Leah chased after you. "Good luck, Little Mewis. Hopefully, I'll see you soon."


Katie poked her head out of her room, rubbing her eyes as you hung up the phone. "It's 3 in the morning, what's all this racket?"

"HALP!" You yelped, rushing past her. "I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!"

Katie sighed, mumbling something under her breath before sticking her leg out behind you.

The angry English Lioness tumbled forwards, tripping over Katie's outstretched foot.

Just as she got up to give the Irishwoman a piece of her mind, the door slammed shut in her face, locked.

"Goddamn it Katie!" Leah huffed, turning towards you now that her other target was unreachable.

You copied the captain of the Girls in Green, shoving the door shut with your shoulder before locking it.

"Y/N Y/M/N Mewis!" Leah growled, banging on the door. "We both know your ADHD ass can't last 5 minutes in a room, so just open the fuckin' door!"

You yawned. "No, I don't think so."

"Fuck you!"

You paused. "D'ye' hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"The police sirens."

"...I hate you."


"Why are ye' all comin' again? Don't ye' 'ave trainin' later?" You asked as the entirety of the Gunners strolled through the airport.

"We want to say bye," Katie squeezed your hand gently. "We'll miss ye'."

You nodded, curling your body inwards in preperation of the slaps you were about to receive. "I tend to 'ave that effect on people."

Just as you had predicted, multiple hands collided with the back of your head.

"We've got to work on this ego of yours," Steph shook her head in amusement. "You're too self-centered."

You shrugged as the group headed towards your terminal. "It's human nature to be egocentric."


"It's a fact! Look it up!"

Leah shook her head with a wicked smile. "I don't think so."

Your face scrunched up in annoyance. "Fook' off."

"Karma's a bitch!"


"Do you have to go?" Katie complained, squeezing you into a tight hug. "We'll miss you."

You coughed. "'Ehm, yea', who else is gonna kick Spain's and Germany's asses?"

"Call us. Everyday," she sniffed. "Or I'm flying over to the States to give you a piece of me mind."

"Okay, okay," you stated, patting her on the back as the rest of the Gunners snickered. "Bye now."


"Who the fook'?" You mumbled, prying the hotel room door open to find a group of grinning USWNT vets and youngsters. "Can I help ye'-oof!"

Sonnett tackled you to the ground in a hug. "Our sarcastic sharpshooter's back!"

You huffed, pushing her off you. "Yes, yes, now what do you wa-oW!"

"Hey, baby sis," Sam greeted, wrapping you in a tight hug. "How've you been? I missed you."

"I missed ye' too, Sammy. Now could you get your bony-arse elbow offa' me shoulder? It hurts like hell."



"Anyways," Alex sighed with a smile. "We have a team meeting in 5, so we should get going."

You and Sam shared a look, darting down the corridor at the exact same time.

"What the fuck?" Lindsey scratched the back of her neck. "What are they doing?"

Kristie pinched the bridge of her nose, exhaling loudly. "They're racing. But when they race, they race."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"HAVE IT, SAMANTHA!" You yelled from somewhere down the hall, a loud crash following. "I NEVER LOSE!"

Kristie shook her head. "That."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm late for work hahaha bye thanks for reading!

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