What Injuries?

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"OI!" Katie yelled, getting up in a Wolfsburg Defender's face. "Watch the tackles!"

You swatted away Lotte's outstretched hand, never one to allow yourself help. "I'm fine, Katie, leave it be."

Lynn Wilms just held up her hands, addressing you and your teammates in a somewhat broken form of English. "Not on purpose! Is accidents."

You directed Katie away from the apologetic player. "You can rub it in their faces after we win."


It was all going great until Tobin tapped you a quick ball past Dutch Defender Dominique Janssen.

You'd been close to the left goalpost, so of course, you'd jumped up in an attempt to head the ball in.

You were unsure of whether or not you'd succeeded, as a harsh force collided with the back of your head.

Due to the sudden impact, you went limp, body landing down at an awkward angle.

You were certain that something was broken, as a loud crack could be heard when you'd fallen on your hand.

Faintly, you could hear the shouts of... your teammates? The VFL Wolfsburg players? It was impossible to tell, the constant ringing in your ears and pounding of your head making everything unintelligible.

Through your daze, you hoped that you weren't crying. You didn't need the media or any of the Gunners thinking you were weak.

You winced as your head was quickly placed onto something hard. A stretcher? Whatever it was, you let the pain overtake you, drifting into the blissful land of unconsciousness.


"-no- stubborn- will- that."

You caught every other word of one of your Aussie teammate's sentence, blinking rapidly at the way too bright lights. "Wh-"

"Shush," a Scottish voice commanded. "You gave us quite the scare, Little Mewis."

"I- 'appened?" You slurred, throat dry. "I-"

"Minor concussion and a broken wrist," another voice joined the fray. "Lights dimmed, no loud noises, and minimal use of the left hand."

You clenched your jaw as the sound of a door opening was heard, but to you, it felt as though it had been amplified a few hundred times. "Loud."

Thankfully, everything was slightly more recognizable and manageable after a few minutes.

"Let's get you home," Leah said, picking you up to bring you to the car. "You've had quite the day."

You begun to shake your head, immediately stopping when spots started to cloud your vision. "I can walk."

Katie glared at you. "You've picked up two different serious injuries. You are not walkin'."

You yawned tiredly, frowning when you caught sight of the wrist brace that covered a portion of your hand. "What injuries?"


"That's- me."

"You're insufferable."

"I know."


Turning the brightness on your phone down, you quickly requested a FaceTime with your now girlfriend, Lauryn McCabe.


"Y/N!" She whisper-yelled, not wanting to trigger your concussion. "I've been worried sick! Are you okay? Arsenal posted and said you have a concussion!"

You smiled, happy that your girlfriend cared about your well-being. "Just a minor concussion and a broken wrist, I'll be fine."

Her eyes narrowed, a scary reminder of your roommate. "Y/N Y/M/N Mewis. I asked how you are now, not how you'll be in the future."

"Okay, okay," you mumbled. "It hurts. But just a bit."

Lauryn's eyes softened. "You tell Katie or Leah or Jordan if you need something, okay?"


"Get some sleep," she hesitated for a brief moment. "I love you."

A sudden wave of tiredness hit you like a bus. "I love you too."

Drifting off to sleep before you hung up, you caught a glimpse of your adorable girlfriend's excited grin as a warm feeling engulfed you. "You're the cutest, baby girl."


"Knock, knock!" An all too familiar voice called, sticking their head through the door.

"Kirstie!" You beamed, sitting up quickly before laying back down with a grimace.

She chuckled, coming over and sitting at your bedside. "Easy there, tiger. How're you doing?"

You squeezed her hand lightly. "I'm bored as fuck."

"I'm glad that London hasn't changed you at all," your older sister smiled. "You're still the same old Y/N that I used to know."

"Yeah, well, you can't get rid of me that easily."

"No, no I can't."

Your phone buzzed again, turning both yours and Kristie's attention to the device.

"Oh my god, you're so bad at responding to texts," the Midfielder sighed. "Seriously, it's not that hard."

"Y/N!" Sonnett shouted, sending you an apologetic look for her forgetfulness as you winced. "How've you been?"

"Great," you lied, sending a small wave to your USWNT teammates. "Everythin's well."

"Mhmm," Christen sassed. "So you're not injured?"

You grinned awkwardly. "Err... nooo-?"

"Are you asking me?"

"May- maybe?"

"Real smooth, Y/N," Sam chuckled. "Are you sure it's only a minor concussion? You literally never get flustered."

Luckily, Rose saved you from answering, her face popping up in frame. "Y/N, can you tell us how to work the washing machine? We still can't get it."

Sam flushed. "Rose!"


"Don't tell her we still don't know!"

"Why?" Rose asked quizzically, tilting her head to the side. "Just because or-"

You smirked. "I win, Sammy."

"Win what?" Alex questioned, placing down her phone on her kitchen counter.

"Sam owes me fifty bucks," your cheeky grin grew wide. "I knew you wouldn't know how to use the washin' machine after this long."

The Tower of Power glared at her roommate. "Now I'm gonna have to skip meals this month."

Rose snorted. "What are we, jobless?"

The Midfielder scowled. "Y/N's rubbing off on you, I don't like this."

"I second that," Kelley nodded. "She's bonkers."

"Oh, me feelings!" You faked offense, clawing your non-injured hand over your heart as Kristie snickered. "I don't have Kelley O'Connor or whatever her name is' approval! Whatever will I do?"

"Shut the fuck up!"


Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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