GO SA- Um... GO GUNNE- Ugh, Never Fookin' Mind

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A/N: You aren't playing for the rest of the season since you came from Barca :)


"Y/N," Katie called as you jumped down the stairs. "It's Man City vs Arsenal next week. Who are you rootin' for?" (A/N: Fairly certain this didn't happen, so just... go with it please and thank you)

You tripped over your own foot. "Huh?"

"Man City vs Arsenal," she repeated with a smirk. "Who are you cheerin' for?"


"McCabe, be nice," Leah chided, patting you reassuringly on the shoulder. "We won't be upset if you cheer for your sister. Just no wearing a City jersey."

"OkAY!" you squeaked, running back up to your room to make a call. "I wOn'T!"


"Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam," you whined. "Why did you have to win against United? I don't wanna have to choose between me sister and best friends."

She laughed. "Y/N, you know I have to do what I can to win."

"No you don't," you pouted. "The Gunners are gonna murder me if I cheer for you, and if I cheer for them Kristie's gonna murder me!"

"It's okay, Y/N," she comforted. "I'll make sure you get buried near London."



"Y/N!" Jordan shouted, both the starting City players and Gunners turning to look at you before the whistle blew. "Which team are you cheering for?"

You hesitated, unwilling to part with your life just yet. "GO SA- um.. GO GUNNE- ugh, never fookin' mind."

Despite the obvious tension coursing throughout both teams, they laughed at your indecisiveness.

"Let's get it girls!"


"Mum! Dad!" you greeted enthusiastically, hugging the both of them during half-time. "I've missed ya'!"

"'Mum?'" your dad questioned. "I didn't know you were Irish!"

You groaned. "Why's everyone think I sound fookin' Iri- why's everyone think I sound fucking Irish?"

Your parents shared a look as Kristie tried to control herself. 

"Y/N," your Mom started with a grin. "Has Katie been rubbing off on you?"

"No," you whined. "I don't 'ave an Irish accent."

"Mom, Dad, here," Kristie cut in, handing them her phone. "Listen really closely when she talks."

"What-?" you stopped, face turning red as you realized it was your Ballon d'Or speech. "Kristie! Get that fookin' thing offa' the damn fookin' phone!"

Kristie was unable to hold in her laughter any longer "It gets even stronger when you're grumpy!"

"I'm not grumpy ya' cheeky fookin' ass," you glared, sticking your tongue out. "I's is just... annoyed at your stupidity."

"'I's'?" Kristie asked with a smirk. "Damn, it really is bad."



"Good try, Sammy," you stated, giving your sister an awkward hug. "Ew, you're all gross and sweaty."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Thanks, Captain Obvious."

"Y/N!" Jordan shouted. "You and Leah! Media duty!"

You raised your eyebrows in confusion, seeing as you hadn't play for Arsenal in months. "COMIN'!"

"Bye, Y/N," Sam hugged you again. "Love you."

"Bye, Sammy, love ya'."


"Hoi guys," you nodded, sitting down next to Leah. "Good to see you all."

"Hi, Y/N," A reporter began. "It's good to see you again. Could we perhaps get your perspective on being sent out to Barcelona? Was it a mutual decision or was it forced?"

You pondered for a moment. "Going to Barcelona wasn't... forced... more so of a... strong suggestion. And although Barca is a great club, it wasn't Arsenal. I missed home, I missed me best friends, and it just wasn't the club for me."

"Do you blame manager Jonas Eidevall?"

You shook your head. "I did, but then he called to apologize and I couldn't stay angry at 'im. I know a lot of Managers don't give a flyin' foo- crap about the way they treat their players, so I felt that I should consider meself lucky."

You were met with light applause and an approving side-hug from Leah.

"That's our little Ballon d'Or winner right there," Leah joked, smiling when your face turned red from embarrassment. "Always forgiving."

You cleared your throat. "Anyways- yes?"


"Y/N, we've really got to limit your time with Katie," Jen teased. "'Hoi guys'?"

Your face flushed. "Shut the fook' up!"

A knock on the door sounded. Jonas poked his head in, hands over his eyes. "Are you all decent?"


He placed his hands in his pockets. "Y/N, could I have a quick chat with you?"

"Sure," Following him out and into the hallway, you asked, "What's up?"

He hesitated for a moment. "I'd like to personally thank you for... giving me a second chance as your Manager. I know that after that stupid move to send you out on loan, it would have been perfectly normal if you'd wanted to switch teams. So, the girls and I... we got you a little something."

He pulled a small object from his right pocket, offering it to you with a kind smile. "For next season... and every season onwards. You have the skills and the confidence to lead this team to victory, and now we've made the decision to capitalize on it. You and Kim together. With your leadership, no team will stand in our way. If you'll take it, of course."

You were unable to fight off the grin that made its way onto your face, taking the Captain's armband as your heart swelled with pride. (A/N: we gon act like Leah was never captain ok 😅)

"I'd be honored."

These chapters are getting out of hand LMFAO

That's what happens when the writer's an idiot I suppose

Hope enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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