Chapter 1: Secret Marriage Life

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Jisoo POV
Sehun and I kept our relationship a secret from the public eye fascinated by our electrifying eye contact and we decided to begin a secret marriage a choice born from our longing for a true love story on the surface.

We were faced with overwhelming pressure for a demanding careers although I was constantly in the spotlight we carefully hid our relationship to protect the image that we belong Blackpink and EXO, had cultivated.

Sehun also understood that we had to be careful about how easily rumors could escalate into scandals, and our secret marriage served as an oasis in the whirlwind of our lives creating a cozy love nest together.

We returned to our hidden home far away from the world with prying eyes we cherished late-night conversations simple moments of eating together and stolen kisses unfettered by the constraints of celebrity.

However, our relationship began to become strained due to our respective careers Sehun and I have spent years building our own separate identities, and now we are struggling to find a balance between our personal lives and the expectations of our respective agencies.

The pressure increased as rumors began to circulate that our romance was blossoming and even in the midst of this chaos as I sought therapy to expose our secret my contagious laugh and radiant smile made Sehun notice the spark in his eyes fading I had no choice but to do so.

The man I was in love with seemed to be crushing the weight of our secrets and I feared that our once passionate love was slowly being eroded as we desperately tried to rekindle the spark of our romance.

I planned a surprise holiday in a secluded cabin nestled in the picturesque countryside despite constant media scrutiny as we wandered through the tranquil landscape hand in hand we succeeded in finding imperceptible solace in the embrace of nature.

I promised myself I would fight for our love despite whatever obstacles we faced we knew our relationship was worth watching the sun set one evening after that Sehun hugged me tightly and confessed burying my face in his soft hair fear.

With tears in my eyes I listened attentively to his heartbreaking words about the burden he felt as a public figure I declared my unwavering love and support I received from him that our love is stronger than any obstacle placed in our path.

We held each other close found comfort in the warmth of our love and knew that we could not face this journey alone knowing that we were in control of our own destiny our secret marriage once full of uncertainty now shines with new hope.

We returned to the bustling city ready to face the challenges together with unwavering love and determination to keep our spark alive from that moment on all obstacles will be overcome.

But our life has been a delicate dance balancing fame, love, and advertising as we navigated the complexities of our relationship, we decided to plan a special dinner one evening to reconnect and celebrate our love.

As I had always possessed a flair for romance I hoped that this dinner would be an unforgettable experience for both of us with the help of my co-members BLACKPINK I covertly transformed our rooftop garden into a secret one with twinkling lights and fragrant flowers.

As evening approached Sehun arrived home after a long day of rehearsal unaware of the surprise that awaited him and was greeted by the enticing aroma of his favorite dish filling the air with mouth-watering charm.

His curiosity piqued he followed the trail of rose petals leading him to the rooftop had been transformed into a romantic haven with candles illuminating the night sky and soft music playing in the background his heart swelled with love and gratitude for the woman who had created this enchanting ambiance.

I wearing a flowing dress that emphasized elegance I approached him with a smile etched on my face we locked eyes and once again our powerful connection surged through us we reached towards each other hugged embraced and shared a tender kiss our love radiated every time our hands touched the air was filled with laughter.

As we sat at the beautifully decorated table linking our fingers savoring every moment together sharing anecdotes from our childhood and early careers reminiscing about our favorite memories as we laughed and joked I leaned forward my eyes sparkled mischievously.

I said to him in a whisper "Sehun, I have a surprised for you" he turn to look at me with a smiled face while his raised an eyebrow curiosity piqued face.

He said to me "What is it?" his voice filled with anticipation while I reached into her bag and pulled out two plane tickets.

I said to him "We're going on a spontaneous getaway... Just the two of us escaping from the chaos and the cameras" Sehun's eyes widened in surprised and excitement.

He longed for a break from our busy lives and this impromptu getaway was the perfect gift a joyous smile spread across his face as he nodded his agreement, thanking me for his continued support and love I knew at a glance that our bond was unbreakable.

The morning sun painted the room in soft colors signaling the beginning of a new day for me and Sehun, besides the golden light flowed through the curtains waking me from a peaceful sleep stretching out my arms and legs turning around and making my eyes brighten.

I gasped as I turned around, expecting to see Sehun still sleeping next to me well, my eyes widened in surprised that Sehun was standing wearing only boxer shorts at the sight of his toned body glistening in the sunlight my heart raced I was caught off guard by the sight in front of me.

I instinctively turned around feeling a blush seep into my cheeks I never thought I would wake up and see such a sight I looked away momentarily forgetting that this half-naked man was my husband.

Right now I know he couldn't resist the opportunity to tease me his beloved wife with a mischievous smile playing on his lips he slowly approached me his footsteps echoing throughout the room his presence electrifying the air.

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