Chapter 2: Jisoo Meet Her Co-member BLACKPINK

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Until he said to me in a whisper "Jisoo... My love" his huskily closing the distance between us and continued "Are you shy even around your own husband?" My heart raced as I felt the heat of Sehun's body behind me and his breath on my neck.

I became a little anxious about how to react to his playful advances I was torn between my desire to be polite and the undeniable attraction that pulsed between us sensing my hesitation.

He gently placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to his touch sending shivers down my spine and I had no choice but to lean into his embrace drawing strength from my back against his chest and connection.

I felt a mixture of emotions coursing through my veins conflicting emotions of desire and uncertainty painted a complex picture but in that moment my heart knew that my heart belonged to Sehun his sincere voice murmured in my ear.

He said to me "Jisoo let's embrace our love without hesitation there are no more secrets don't hide anymore if it's just you and me together there's no fear" his words struck a chord deep within me and broke down the walls I had built to protect myself.

In this vulnerable moment I made a conscious decision to trust in our love to let go of my doubts and slowly surroundered to the fire of our passion I turn to look at him my eyes locked on his intense gaze my blush slowly faded away replaced by a newfound confidence with a gentle smile.

I extended my hand intertwining our fingers signaling my acceptance of our entire lives his smirk turn into a soft smile and he took my face in his hands cherishing the vulnerable moment of our hearts beating together and our love breaking apart free from the constraints of secrecy.

The morning fog covered the busy streets of Seoul and I ran through a crowded subway station my heart pounding with excitement and excitement well, is still new to me to see my co-members BLACKPINK since I debut with them back then 2016.

My life suddenly changed and now I was living my dream when I entered the YG Entertainment building the reception staff who greeted me with a smile nervously approached the elevator every time I climbed my heart beat faster.

The elevator doors opened to reveal a sleek modern office space buzzing with energy my eyes wandered around the room looking for the familiar faces of my fellow Blackpink members that's when I noticed Lisa's radiant smile infectious and full of warmth my heart pounded as the Thai member approached me.

She said to me "Jisoo!!!" Shout at me while run towards me and continued "How was your vacation with your husband" as I hugged her I felt relief wash over me.

Even though the building was still the same as before I felt like I had known her since her trainee days and now Lisa's laugh was infectious and I couldn't help but feel an immediate connection with her back then Jennie entered the room with a mischievous grin on her face.

She said to me "Finally we're going to meet our new member" I turn to look at her with a furious face.

I blushed at the attention caught by her confident charm my eyes were drawn to her playful dimples and I couldn't help but see her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Before I could fully process my thoughts there was an undeniable attraction to her. Rose gracefully walked into the room with a soft voice that caught everyone's attention.

She said to me "Welcome to unnie Jisoo we're excited to have you on board" she smiled me a melodic accent that melts my heart I turn to look at her with a pissed-off face.

Each of us had our own unique aura and felt like we belonged we were not just a group of talented people we were a family sharing stories and laughter I couldn't help but notice the way their eyes met mine their gazes were filled with curiosity and acceptance over the next few hours.

My bond with my co-members BLACKPINK grew stronger and we rehearsed together sharing dance moves and vocal harmonies I found her role as singer and performer to be seamlessly intertwined with my co-members I couldn't hide my gratitude as we sat together in the practice room during break time.

I said to them "Thank you girls I'm beyond lucky to be part of BLACKPINK" they turn to look at me with a smiled face well, Lisa and Jennie was hugging me while giggling.

Lisa said to me "No unnie Jisoo we are the lucky ones... You complete us" my heart swelled with joy at the moment of our eye contact.

As I spent the afternoon perfecting the choreography I realized that not only had my dream come true but the love I never knew was gone a message from my husband appeared on my phone.

Message Read:
My Husband: Hey babe I heard you worked hard on the choreography but I'm on my way now. Do you want to catch up?

My heart pounded at the thought of meeting my beloved husband it's only been less than two hours since we left to go to work and I feel like he already misses me I quickly typed a response.

Me: I'd love to see you I'm at YG Entertainment right now come pick me up my dear husband.

After a few minutes later on he finally arrived at the YG Entertainment carrying a bouquet of flowers which I like as he strode into the building his handsome smile captured the hearts of those around him his eyes find me captivating when I discovered his familiar silhouette my eyes widened in joy.

I said to him "Sehun!" I shouted running towards him and jumping into his arms while he holding me close and giggled enjoying the warmth of our embrace.

He said to me "My beautiful Jisoo I miss you so much we were both at home recently" he whispered placing a gentle kiss on my forehead I know my co-members BLACKPINK watched as their heartfelt reunion and couldn't help but feel their hearts melting.

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