Chapter 4: The Happiest Couple

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Waiting for him to reveal the extent of our relationship he said to them "I'm proud to announce that Jisoo Kim is my girlfriend and wife" he declared that his words echoed from every corner of the room eliciting gasps and mutterings as reporters scrambled to capture.

The shock that came over our faces the confession shocked me but I knew this was his way of protecting our love I stood with a small smile on my face ready to face whatever came.

He continued "We decided to keep our marriage a secret because of the intense scrutiny that comes with being in the public eye. We didn't want our relationship to be defined by the media or anyone other than ourselves. But now it's time to share our love with the world" as the news was thrown at us he skillfully redirected both of us and made.

It clear that our relationship was not up for discussion and that he wanted respect and privacy going forward the press conference was a turning point in my and his lives the public went from being a curious audience to being witnesses to a live story shrouded in secrecy as time passed.

The media frenzy died down and fans began to accept me and him as a couple support poured in from all over the world as my relationship with him blossomed in the new freedom we now have of being able to live our lives together away from the media's gaze.

As we celebrated live with fans supporting us every step of the way whether it was stealing a kiss between dance rehearsals or a secret date night our love grew stronger but beneath the surface lurked a truth hidden from the public eye.

I hid a secret from him because I was afraid it would wreak havoc on our seemingly perfect relationship one day as we enjoyed a rare and special morning together I look into his eyes and knew that the time had come to reveal the truth.

I said to hm "Sehun... I have something to say" I began to voice my anxiety as he sensed the seriousness in my tone and seemed to be paying all my attention he turn to look at me with a curious face.

I continued "I... Got into a car accident before we met I... Suffered a head injury and seemed to have made a full recovery but my memory has since declined" he was surprised as his mind raced to process the information, and he gently reached out to take my shaking hands and offering his support.

I still continued "I didn't tell you because I was afraid things would change between us. But I can't hide it from you anymore I want to be completely honest with you" he remained silent for a moment.

Pondering the circumstances in which he realized he could not allow the revelation that our love was strong enough to overcome any difficulty to come between us.

He said to me "Thank you for telling me" as I got closer to him my tears turn into a bittersweet smile at that moment we both realized that love isn't about perfection or having all the answers.

But about accepting each other's flaws and embracing the journey together from that day on he became my anchor always there to support us as we faced challenges together through the difficulties of my memory loss we make new memories along the way and cherish the moments spent in each other's arms.

After overcoming the obstacles that threatened our relationship him and I are stronger than ever forgiveness has come and love has conquered all as we continued our journey together we strived to create a world filled with laughter, romance, and unforgettable moments.

As each day passed him and I grew more attached to each other our love blossomed in the busy streets of Seoul, where we shared stolen glances and secret smiles and our undeniable chemistry brought joy to the hearts of those who watched our love story unfold.

One sunny afternoon, he planned a surprise date where he wanted to take me to our favorite amusement park where we would hold hands and stroll through a colorful carnival the joy we found in each other's presence filled us with laughter and our love seemed even infectious.

The most stone-faced spectator with a warm glow I rode a thrilling roller coaster, rode sticky cotton candy, and even tried a large stuffed animal he who is always playful challenged me to a game of darts.

I said to him "You're going down babe" I teased aiming carefully at the balloons my competitive spirit flickered as the first dart hit the target spot-on while he smirk at me with a smiled face.

He said to me "Oh! really? Let's see what you got baby" the carnival booth staff enjoyed watching our lovely competition unfold with each throw and the simple act of aiming a dart became a metaphor for our relationship.

It was full of meticulous calculations and a passion for hitting the target my last dart hit the center of the target and I was victorious I pumped my fist in triumph my eyes sparkled with joy along with him we didn't need a physical prize: the victory we shared was happiness in its purest form.

As evening approached he guided me to a picturesque place in the amusement park a lively Ferris wheel stood tall against the twilight sky its lights twinkling in the falling twilight he heart raced as he held my hand knowing that this moment would be etched into our memories forever.

He said to me "Babe I want to promise you that I will cherish every moment with you that I will make you smile until your cheeks hurt and that I will always be by your side" his voice is full of love and my eyes sparkle with tears of joy.

I said to him "Babe you've already given me so much happiness I promise to stay by your side through the difficult times" as the Ferris wheel went up we held hands and we felt as if the whole world was ours at that moment we knew our destined to create a lifetime of precious memories together.

~ The End ~

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