Chapter 7: Love Conquers All

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Acknowledging the lesson learned I gave him a small smile and said a bittersweet goodbye silently wishing each other well, and continuing our separate journeys I continued to walk through the park with the last remnants of my past ready to embrace the new chapters of life that were waiting for me.


As the final notes of 'The Happiest Girl' filled the air the room erupted in applause it was moving beyond words to hug my co-members BLACKPINK who created such a beautiful and meaningful gift for me.

I said to them "You guys have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you for your unwavering love and for always being by my side" my voice was filled with gratitude.

Jennie said to me "We meant every word. We wanted you to know that even in our darkest moments you are loved and cherished and your happiness is ours" Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé returned our embrace with smiles full of warmth and sincerity.

From that day on 'The Happiest Girl' became more than just a song to me it became a symbol of the unbreakable bond between me and my friends a reminder of our unwavering love and support in all high and low places.

As we continued to navigate the complexities of love laughter and life I held onto the belief that true happiness could be found within the embrace of those who loved me most as I continued my journey of self-discovery I found myself embracing new experiences and opening my heart to unexpected possibilities.

End Flashback

One day while attending a charity event I locked eyes with a stranger across the room time seemed to stand still as our gazes met and flicker of recognition passed between us curiosity sparked within me and I found myself making my way through the crowd towards the mysterious stranger we exchanged smiles our hearts beating in synchrony.

I said to stranger "Hi. I couldn't help but feel a connection when our eyes met. I'm Lalisa Manoban" my voice filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

The stranger said to me "I felt it too, Lisa. I'm BamBam it's a pleasure to meet you" his eyes sparkled with warmth and a dimpled smile etched his face.

From that moment an instant connection blossomed between me and BamBam our conversations flowed effortlessly filled with laughter shared passions and deep meaningful insights we soon discovered we had many things in common and our friendship quickly evolved into something more.

As I and him navigated the enchanting labyrinth of love we embraced the unpredictable twists and turn that fate threw our way our personalities intertwined seamlessly our strengths and weakness complementing each other perfectly.

He with his gentle nature and unwavering support became my rock standing by my side through the highs and lows of my personal and professional life together we tackled obstacles and celebrated triumphs creating a bond that grew stronger with each passing day.

Our love story wasn't without its challenges though as I popularity as a member of BLACKPINK soared the pressures of fame began to take our toll balancing our love life with the demands of our respective careers proved to be a delicate dance testing our commitment and resilience.

In the face of adversity me and BamBam refused to let our waver we recognized that a strong foundation of trust communication and understanding was the key to overcoming any hurdle with each obstacle we faced our bond deepened and our relationship that when I return home from my demanding schedule.

He would be there ready to envelop me in warmth and love and as he pursued his own dreams I supported him wholeheartedly cheering him on in his journey whether it was taking the stage as an aspiring actor or venturing into the world of entrepreneurship I was his biggest fan constantly reminding him of his worth and potential.

I arrived at my home but why it's so dark inside did he forget to turn on the light I walk towards the front door open it when I turn on the light someone speak up wait? This voice so familiar I turn on the lights and I saw someone sitting on the couch I walk towards well, It's Suho with a smirk face.

I said to him "What the fuck are you doing here huh?" I was shocked he scared me to death. Wait a minute? Where is BamBam? I though he was coming home tonight until I got the message from him.

Messages Read:
BamBam: I have work to do tonight. I'll be sure to catch up with you next time.

Me: Okay. Be safe on the roads.

I turn to look at Suho with a furious face while crossing my arms and wait for the right time to tell him after a few minutes later on.

He said to me "What are you standing there? Come sit with me" he stood up hold my left wrist with his right hand and sat me down next to him.

I said to him "Can you get out of my house now!!!" He turn to look at me with a curious face.

He said to me "Why did you suddenly kick me out baby girl" oh, please don't make me fall in love with you again even when I look away I can feel his breath on the left side of my neck what the fuck is going on with me.

I said to him "Fine!!! I let you stay here, but it was only for one night" I stand up before I walk away from him.

He hold my left wrist with his right hand and I was surprised what he did next he bridal style me while my hands were wrapped around his neck until our eyes met. Why do I miss him so much?

He said to me "This is my first time doing bridal style on you" I look away and I don't care if this your first time as long as possible I don't want to get hurt by you again.

He continued "That... You're so heavy. How much have you eaten since I left you baby girl? Last time your not that heavy" I turn to look at him with a furious face.

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