Chapter 4: Conference

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After my overwhelming encounter with the paparazzi I found solace on my phone dialing my husband's familiar number I needed his comfort when the phone rang, my heart raced as I wondered what the reaction of the person who understood me better than anyone else would be.

He said to me on the phone "Hello?" His voice came through the line and an immediate warmth enveloped me.

I said to him "Hey handsome. Would you like to come pick me up at YG Entertainment headquarters? It's been quite a long day and I could use your support right now" there was fatigue in my voice.

He said to me "Of course my love, I'll be there soon. Just hang in there" I know he could sense the fatigue in my voice and immediately took action.

I was mesmerized by his lovely responses to how despite his busy schedule he always made time to prioritize my needs and happiness I stood outside YG Entertainment and felt at home in familiar surroundings like the building was my second home.

I was filled with memories of laughing hard and the strong bond with my co-members BLACKPINK suddenly a sleek black car pulled up in front of me and my heart fluttered as it opened its arms and embraced me with a dazzling smile that brightened the night a warm hug that reassures me that I'm safe and loved.

We climbed into the car a quiet haven where we could take a break from the chaos outside he took my hand and traced comforting patterns on her skin with his thumb and we shared a soft silence enjoying the warmth of our connection.

I said to him "Thank you for always being by my side I had a really hard time today but everything got better because you came to pick me up like this" shyly making eye contact.

He said to me "You're my everything my your happiness and well-being mean the world to me. I'll always be here to support you no matter what" his smiled his eyes filled with love.

As the car glided through the night he shared stories of his day peppeting the conversation with jokes to lift my spirits our laughter filled the car reminding us of the unshakable oy we found in each other's presence.

When we got home he took my hand and led me into the cozy living room dimmed the lights and turned on my favorite romantic comedy movie so we could curl up on the couch and create a cozy relaxing atmosphere.

Our legs were intertwined and we shared a bowl of popcorn every moment as the movie played the stresses of the day melted away and were replaced by the sweet tenderness of our love as we exchanged stolen glances and whispered declarations of love.

In that moment we knew that despite the challenges we faced in our respective careers we would always find comfort and strength in each other's arms with a gentle touch.

He wiped away the remnants of my tears his eyes were filled with a mixture of understanding and affection tonight we found comfort in each other's love our connection grew stronger as we faced the trials.

Together he and I found refuge in the shelter of our lives and the safety of our shared dreams I knew that as long as we had each other we would overcome any obstacle that came our way.

He has always cherished his privacy and kept his personal life away from the public eye but his love for me has grown to the point where he can no longer hide it he wanted the world to know that despite our difficulties we were happily married despite the challenges it might bring with a resolute spirit.

He gathered his co-members BTS members and trusted executives to hold an important conference and stood in front of the media with great anticipation and took a deep breath to make a groundbreaking announcement.

He said to them "Ladies and gentlemen, I have something important to share with you all today. I want everyone to know that I'm Kim Seokjin is already married to the amazing and talented Rosé Park of BLACKPINK" his voice was full of determination.

Gasps and mutterings echoed throughout the room as media tried to process the shocking revelations an announcement that brought a tidal wave to the Kpop industry and captured the attention of fans and media outlets around the world.

He continued "Rosé and I have been married for a while and have decided to keep it private until now but we want to share our love and journey with our fans who continue to support us we hope that by revealing our secret marriage we can inspire others to pursue love and happiness without fear" his voice filled with genuine love and devotion.

With a mixture of curiosity admiration and respect for his brave decision the mood in the room changed as his co-members BTS standing next to him showed their solidarity with warm smiles and nods.

As I watched the meeting unfold on television my heart swelled with love and pride for the man I married I knew this decision was made out of our mutual desire to celebrate our love and break down the barriers that limit us as idols.

News of our wedding spread like wildfire with news articles and fan forums on social media platforms filled with messages of love and support fans were delighted by the honesty and vulnerability applauding the courage of their beloved idol.

His decision to make our secret marriage public has created a deeper bond between BTS and BLACKPINK fans as we share in the joy and excitement of this union and the Kpop industry where love and happiness along with talent and performance are at the center forever has changed.

Through it all he and I remained unwavering and committed to each other and accepted the love and support of our fans knowing that this connection made our journey truly amazing and worthwhile.

In the ever-evolving Kpop landscape our love story stands as a testament to the power of love not only as individuals but as two artists who have brought joy to millions around the world through their music.

~ The End ~

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