Chapter 1: Jennie's Secret

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Jennie POV
I walked quickly through the busy streets of Seoul the autumn wind gently shook my head as if encouraging me to get to my destination faster I held my cell phone tightly in one hand and dialed the speed dial to my husband Kim Taehyung the world-famous boy group BTS.

His phone rang but there was no answer my heart was pounding worried that him might not answer the phone I couldn't shake the feeling that something is wrong anyway I had decided to surprise him with a romantic dinner date at our favorite restaurant especially.

When I explicitly told him about the importance of the day finally after what felt like an eternity he picked up his phone.

He said to me "Hi sorry babe. I was so absorbed in the rehearsal that I didn't notice the time passing. Are you still with YG Entertainment?" I breathed a sigh of relief because at least he was safe.

I said to him "Yes, I'm still at YG. Where are you? I've been trying to contact you for the last 30 minutes!"

He said to me "I'm so sorry babe. Me and my co-members BTS were trying to do a new choreography and time flew by I'm on the way. Would you mind waiting for me?" His voice sounded apologetic well, I'll forgive my giant tiger cub I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

I said to him "All right but hurry I don't want to miss my reservation" he end the call I found solace in the fact that he was on his way.

But as time went by my patience began to wear thin it wasn't the first time he'd been caught up in work but today I wondered what was holding him back it felt like there was more to his perception.

As I standing near the entrance to YG Entertainment watching the flow of the building I wondered if anyone had seen Taehyung and knew where he was suddenly the young intern was seen rushing out clutching a stack of papers close to his chest I approached him cautiously.

I said to him "Excuse me but have you seen Kim Taehyung?" Well, the intern's opened his eyes wide and recognized me immediately.

He said to me "Ah, it’s Blackpink Jennie! I'm a big fan! Well, I'm sorry. I don't know because I haven't seen him" I feel disappointed but underterred anyway I thank and continued my search for the answer until I saw my co-member BLACKPINK Lisa leaving the building and run towards me.

I said to her "Lisa have you seen Taehyung. He said that he will be here soon" I turn to look at her with a worried face.

She said to me "No, I haven't Is something wrong? wait? You already miss your giant baby tiger" my worried tur into pissed-off by Lisa word teasing me and I thought for a moment about whether to share my concerns but eventually decided to share with her.

I said to her "I don't know if something is off but he's been acting strange lately and I'm late for our date" she frowned as if she was worried about me.

She said to me "Maybe he's too busy with work. I'm sure he'll show up soon" I nodded trying to convince myself that she was right.

However my heart still pounded with worry I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something her husband wasn't telling me as doubt clouded my mind, I heard a familiar voice behind me I turn to look who is it well, it's Taehyung.

He said to me "Babe! I'm really sorry I'm late!" he run towards to hug me.

I said to him "Finally! I'll get started to get worried" he unhug me took my hands in his I look into his eyes filled with guilt.

He said to me "I'm so sorry babe I promise I'll make it up to you let's go celebrate our love tonight" I look into his eyes again and his sweet words melted my heart.

But I couldn't ignore the anxiety boiling inside I knew I would have to confront him eventually but for now I decided to put my worries aside and focus on the love we shared as we walked hand in hand towards our favorite restaurant I couldn't help but wonder what secret he was hiding.

I knew our love would be tested in ways I never expected while I sat across from him at our favorite restaurant the soft candlelight enveloped us in a warm atmosphere we were filled with laughter despite our worries and I couldn't help but fall in love with my husband's charming charm he reached across the table and gently held my hand.

He said to me "I'm sorry I made you worry baby I didn't mean to be late" I smiled my worries momentarily forgotten in his presence.

I said to him "It's okay I know and understand that you're busy with work but something hurts my heart babe" his eyes filled with concern.

He said to me "What is it babe? You can tell me anything you know I'm a good listener" I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts.

I said to him "These days you're distant and you can't shake the feeling that something is bothering you there's something you're not telling me... And our children's safety from the paparazzi" his eyes blinked in a mixture of surprise and guilt he sighed realizing he could no longer hide the truth.

He said to me "Babe there's something I really want to tell you but I've been keeping it a secret..." My heart was pounding the fears and expectations tangled within me.

I said to him "What is it babe?" He took a moment to muster his courage before revealing the truth.

He said to me "Do you remember when I mentioned earlier that we were going over new choreography? Well, the truth is we're preparing for a surprise comeback stage" my eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and excitement that filled my veins.

I said to him "A comeback? I'm so happy and proud wife to my husband" he nodded at me with a smiled relief washing over his face.

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