Chapter 4: Suho's Revelation

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I lean against sink while crossing my arms I turn to look at him with a mad face.

He said to me "I'm so sorry Lisa I can't express in words how much I regret mentioning Kim Jisoo. It was a careless action on my part but I understand why you were hurt" his face softened and he gave me his full attention as he brewed his coffee.

I said to him "It's not just what you said. It is a doubt that has crept into my mind. I need reassurance that you chose me. I'm not just a replacement for someone else" I nodded my eyes locked with him.

He said to me "Lisa, you are neither a replacement nor a second choice. Everything changed when I met you. My heart chose you. I'm in love with you. Your smile, your kindness, and the way you make me feel alive. There's no doubt that you're the one I want to be with" his expression turned serious and he reached out to hold my hand.

My eyes sparkled with tears as I listened to his heartfelt words his sincerity touched my heart and slowly eased the doubts that had been plaguing me since last night.

I said to him "I believe in you however, we need to communicate more openly and honestly. We can't allow misunderstandings or insecurities to build walls between us" my voice was full of vulnerability..

He said to me "You're right, Lisa. We promise to continue to actively resolve any concerns or questions that may arise and I promise to make you feel loved, cherished, and secure every day" he nodded his grip on my hand tightening.

As we sat there holding hands a new sense of trust washed over us our love was tested but we were determined to emerge stronger and more resilient from the challenges we faced from that day forward he and I formed a deeper relationship through open communication.

We learned to share our anxieties, fears, and dreams, and through ups and downs, we formed an unbreakable bond based on trust and understanding our love story continued to unfold, filled with laughter, romance, and the occasional drama as we navigated twists and turns together that our love was worth fighting for.

Despite his sincere apologies and assurances doubts still remained in my mind I couldn't shake the feeling that I was replacing Kim Jisoo, one evening as we sat together on the couch and questions I'd been holding in slipped from my lips uncensored and out of line.

He said to me "Lisa? Is everything alright?" He is looking into my eyes with concern.

I said to him "Suho, I need to know the truth. Am I just your second choice? Was marrying me a compromise because you couldn't do it with Kim Jisoo?" I took a deep breath my heart pounding.

His eyes were hard with a mixture of frustration and sadness at having to endure my anxiety but this question crossed a line and he sighed heavily.

He said to me "Lisa I was just being honest with you. Kim Jisoo was a part of my past but everything changed the moment I met you. Our love is real, but it's unfair and painful to keep bringing up Kim Jisoo" his voice tinged with irritation.

I said to him "Suho!!! There must be a reason why Kim Jisoo isn't the one you married. Please tell me the truth" I felt a pang of guilt washed over me as I realized I had pushed him too far but I could no longer suppress my curiosity.

He said to me "Fine, I'll tell you the truth. Jisoo and I had a connection, but it wasn't enough. We wanted different things from life and our paths varied. Yes, I was attracted to her at one point, but that doesn't diminish my love and devotion to you. You are the woman I chose to marry, Lisa" his patience had reached its limit and he looked me in the eye.

His voice now full of frustration I was amazed by his honesty and the intensity of his words it broke my heart to realize the pain my constant doubts had caused him.

I said to him "I'm sorry, Suho. I never meant to doubt your love. My anxiety clouds my judgment and I have no excuses for my actions" tears are streaming down my face.

He said to me "Lisa, love is never about being someone's first choice or competing with the past. It's about choosing each other every day. Our love story isn't perfect but it's ours. If you are I'm willing to fight for it" his anger eased when he saw the genuine regret in my eyes he held me gently and held me close.

I said to him "I'm willing to fight too, Suho. I'm sorry for breaking your heart I promise to let go of my doubts and have faith in our love" I buried my face in his chest tears soaking his shirt.

We were caught up in deep emotions for sometimes it was a turning point in our relationship it was a moment of vulnerability and growth where we bared our hearts to each other and faced their deepest fears and insecurities.

As his words hung in the air my heart shattered I couldn't believe that the man I loved who was already married to me had confessed that I wasn't the one he truly wanted it all felt like a cruel dream down my face and my mind.

Feeling broken and betrayed I was left alone in my home surrounded by haunting memories of our time together each room echoing moments of laughter and love and now the wedding preparations scattered throughout the house only added salt to my wounds.

As the days and weeks passed I felt confused and lost as it served as a constant reminder of a love that was not meant for me I wanted to understand if he had truly lived me and why he kept such a monumental secret for me.

Or was it a replacement for the woman he couldn't have? These questions plagued my mind every waking moment I decided to find comfort and to confront him once again this time but it felt like.

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