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Lalisa POV
Kim Junmyeon the charismatic leader of the popular K-pop group EXO and me Lalisa Manoban a talented dancer of the global girl group Blackpink.

He known for his warm smile and gentle demeanor he has always been fascinated by my captivating dance moves and undeniable stage presence, and has admired my talent from afar never imagining that our paths would intertwine.

On the other hand I was always focused on my career and putting my heart and soul into performing I heard that Suho was a kind and talented artist but I never had the chance to meet him in person.

Fate had other plans for us one fateful evening during a prestigious music awards ceremony Suho and I were backstage waiting for our respective performances nervous anticipation filled us as we prepared to showcase our talents to the world.

As he look around the room his eyes locked with mine and time seemed to stand still as we exchanged a brief but meaningful glance that moment sparked an unspoken connection between us that neither of us could ignore.

Throughout the night our eyes continued to meet each time we felt curious and intrigued it was as if the universe was urging us to explore more possibilities.

Days turned into weeks and the memory of that night lingered in our minds he couldn't help but wonder if I felt the same connection he did meanwhile my found myself daydreaming about the mysterious encounter, longing to know more about the man who had captured my attention.

Knowing our common interests and never dreaming that our paths would cross again, my friend decided to play cupid and arranged for us to meet at a casual gathering.

As we exchanged greetings our eyes locked once again and this time we couldn't look away the room seemed to fade into the background as we engaged in a heartfelt conversation, discovering shared interests, dreams, and aspirations.

From that moment on mine and Suho's lives became intertwined we began a journey of friendship, support and understanding, and as we spent more time together, we realized that our connection was deeper than we could have imagined.

Our story was just beginning, our bond grew stronger with each passing day, and the whole world watched in awe as my friendship with Suho blossomed into something beautiful, filled with love, laughter, and the magic of eye contact.

Our journey together will not only bring joy to our lives, but will also inspire millions around the world our story will be a testament to the power of connection and a reminder that sometimes all it takes is a glance to make a difference our life forever.

Eye Contact Season 1

Eye Contact Season 1Where stories live. Discover now