Chapter 4: Family Day

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The MC takes center stage and the crowd chatter turns to quiet whispers "Ladies and gentlemen, let's take a moment to appreciate the wonderful Jennie Kim who graced us tonight. But there is a very special person in the audience who has a few words to say" my eyes widen in surprised confusion searching the crowd.

Before finally locking with Taehyung's gaze suddenly the spotlight shifts towards him and applause erupts as he stands up a lopsided smile playing on his lips Taehyung makes his way through the crowd and gracefully heads to the stage as he approached the microphone he took a deep breath and looked at me with eyes that radiated love and admiration.

He said to me "Jennie... I stand before everyone here tonight as the luckiest person alive. Because I have the privilege of calling you my beautiful wife" his voice resonating throughout the ballroom.

Gasps of surprise and joy ripple through the crowd I feels my cheeks turn red my heart pounding in my chest I watches as Taehyung continued his words filled with sincerity and adoration.

He continued "I could spend a lifetime searching but I would never find anyone as passionate, talented, and genuine as you, Jennie. You make every day brighter, every experience more meaningful. Your dedication to your craft, your resilience through the challenges we've faced it inspires me endlessly" his words resonate in the hearts of the audience and touch not only me.

But everyone who witnesses the depth of our love the unexpected and heartfelt declaration brought smiles and tears to the faces of those in attendance I move forward my hands are shaking as I reach out for Taehyung our fingers are intertwined our connection a symbol of the unbreakable bond we share.

I said to him "Taehyung, you are my rock, my confidant, and my best friend together, we've faced countless obstacles, but it's our love for one another that has carried us through. Tonight, standing here, I can say with all my heart that I am proud to be your wife" the crowd applauds and enjoys the love story unfolding before them.

Taehyung and I share a lovely hug on stage our hearts overflowing with joy and gratitude while the ceremony was going on Taehyung and I were surrounded by the warm love and support of those around us we hold hands knowing that although difficult our journey will be enriched by our unwavering love for one another.

In a world filled with glitz and glamour our relationship stands as a beacon of authenticity that reminds everyone of the power of eye contact that ignites the spark of true love and all the evidence of the enduring love that has carried us through the ups and downs of our special lives it remains travel.

After the ballroom I need to rest today with Taehyung and the two kids I prepare a picnic blanket with food and put it in the basket until Taehyung comes into the kitchen with a curious face.

He said to me "What is this all about babe" I turn to look at him with a smile face.

I said to him "We're going on a picnic babe with our kids" he give me a smiled with a happy face.

He said to me "Okay, I'll call Jenhyung and Taenie" I nodded at him with a smiled face after a few minutes later on I heard Jenhyung yelling at his younger sister.

He said to his sister "Taenie!!! Let's go don't wait dad gets mad at us" well, they are always like this siblings fighting unliked the others siblings get good term with each other until I hear Taenie screaming at her older brother.

She said to him "I'm coming now!!!" She running down to stairs I wonder what she's wearing right now anyway I turn to look at Taehyung with a smiled face but I can still hear Jenhyung and Taenie screaming

Jenhyung said to Taenie "Are you fucking out of your mind? Huh?" I know he is older than Taenie, but I'm afraid that if there is another paparazzi, me and Taehyung will be captured with our kidsJenhyung and Taenie until I feel Taehyung right hand on my hands.

He said to me "Babe. Stop think negatively" I nodded at him with a smile face while he kiss my forehead until we heard Taenie screaming.

She said to Jenhyung "Shut up!!!" I know Taenie is good at hitting Jenhyung's left arm and kicking his butt they fight all the time but they still love each other.

Until Taehyung said to them "Jenhyung!!! Taenie!!! Hurry up now!!!" After a few seconds later on They go out the front door while Jenhyung locks the front door and Taenie get in the car after Jenhyung gets in the car and sits next to Taennie.

Meanwhile at the picnic park we get out of the car while Taehyung walk towards the back of the car to carry the basket I recently prepared and we walk to find the perfect spot to watch the sunset.

When he put down the basket I helped him with the picnic blanket and he put the basket on the picnic blanket we sat on together while Jenhyung put on a shade and lay down on the grass. Wait a minute? Where's Taenie jeez that little brat where the hell did she go.

I said to Jenhyung "Where is your younger sister?" He sit and turn to look at me with a normal face.

He said to me "Over there, talking to strangers" He pointed at the bleach until I found Taenie clothes I was shocked to see that she was wearing a crop top with short pants and white shoes.

I said to him "It's that was your younger sister take to long to wear huh?" I turn to look at him with a curious face.

He said to me "She's an 18 year old mom and she can defend herself without my help" he lay down back on the grass and I turn to look at Taehyung with a priceless face.

He said to me "Let her be" well, I should accept that Taenie is growing up now I can't stop what she want to buy as what Taehyung said that I let her be.

~ The End ~

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