Chapter 10: Morning Bonding

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After a few minutes later on he said to me "I don't know... It's hard to think it" fine I'll think of it something special on my own until Taenie suggests a name.

She said to me "Aunty Lisa about the names... Kim Lunmyeon if was a boy and Kim Jisamyeon if was a girl" well, it was a nice name to hear that I turn to look at Suho with a normal face after a few minutes later on Taenie stand up.

I said to her "Where are you going Taenie" she turn to look at with a smiled face.

She said to me "I'll sit there on the wooden bench, Aunty Lisa" I nodded at her with a normal face she start walk towards the wooden bench.

Until Jenhyung walked towards her oh no here again Jennie wanted to stop Jenhyung when Taehyung stopped her.

He said to her "No... Jennie let them be" she turn to look at him with a normal face.

She said to him "Fine!!!" Watching Jenhyung and Taenie's as brother and sister again we laughed at the sight of Taenie because Jenhyung placing something on the right side of Taenie's face with his right hand.

After a few minutes later on As we packed up our belongings and said our goodbyes for the night Taenie gave me one last hug before heading into the car.

Jennie said to me "Bye Lisa and Suho" I turn to look at her with a smiled face.

I said to them "Bye guys" Taehyung starts the engine and drives away from us I turn to look at Suho with a normal face.

He said to me "Let's go baby girl" I nodded at him with a normal face.

After a few minutes later on we arrived at our house he put out his right hand and took my left hand we walked to the front door and then he opened the door changed our clothes into our pajamas laid down on the bed.

I said to him "I hate your bare arms" he turn to look at me with a furious face.

He said to me "There's something I would like to tell you..." I turn to look at him with a curious face.


Suho POV
As the sun began to set over the bustling city of Seoul, I stood in front of a room full of reporters and cameras I could feel the tense atmosphere and the weight of the decision I was about to make y throat has become clearer.

I said to them "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for being here today. I held this press conference to address the rumors surrounding my secret marriage to Lalisa Manoban" the room became quiet as everyone leaned in to hear me.

I continued "It is with heavy hearts that I inform you that Lalisa and I have decided to end our secret marriage. This decision was not made lightly, and we have both been reflecting on our long-term relationship together" my voice is steady but full of emotion.

I continued "We realized that our paths had diverged and we no longer shared the same dreams and aspirations. Breaking up and finding happiness elsewhere is the best thing for both of us" the shock caused a flash to startle the reporters faces.

Memories of our once happy relationship rose in my mind the moments of tenderness we shared and the love that held us together were the bittersweet realization that sometimes love alone is not enough to save a marriage.

I continued "I want to make it clear that Lalisa and I still have deep respect and love for each other. We will continue to support each other and remain friends" the room was filled with questions at my sincere voice but I raised my hand to signal silence.

I continued "We understand that this news may come as a shock to many, but we ask that you respect our privacy during this difficult time. We will not be providing any further comments or details regarding the divorce" I left the podium leaving the reporters confused.

As I left the conference room I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and sadness the chapter of my life with Lalisa was over but I knew a new beginning awaited us both.

End Flashback

As the sun began to rise and cast a warm glow outside the window I woke up with a smile on my face I was looking forward to the day ahead because today was the day I decided to surprise her with a special breakfast have a great time together.

I crept out of the bedroom so as not to wake her I went to the kitchen and set up a Bluetooth speaker I connected my smartphone and played 'I Like Me Better' by Lauv this song perfectly captures my feelings for her.

The sweet sound of music slowly entered her dream and she slowly woke up she opened her eyes which were still half asleep and couldn't help but be fascinated by the sight of me cooking sitting on the bed and listening to the music.

She felt a surge of affection and decided to be surprised so she got out of bed and quietly went into the kitchen to see me standing by the stove cooking a delicious breakfast for the two of us but be amazed at my cooking skills.

She said to me "Good morning, chef baby boy. What's on the menu today?" The sweet smell of food filled the air and my stomach growled as I expected her to walk over to wrap her arms around me from behind.

I said to her "Well, my baby girl, today have prepared a special breakfast for you. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon and fresh fruit salad" I turn to look at her with a smile mischievously and my eyes sparkle with joy.

She said to me "Wow, you did a great job baby boy! I can't wait to dig into it" her eyes were wide with joy and her heart was filled with warmth and love.

As we sat at the table eating a delicious breakfast she and I couldn't help but be thankful for the simple moments we shared that made our love stronger.

~ The End ~

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