Chapter 9: Picnic Unplanable

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When the sun shone brightly on a beautiful spring day he and I found ourselves on a spontaneous adventure a month later our love for each other growing stronger by the day he decided to surprise me by being a hopeless romantic picnic to a nearby park.

He woke up early that morning and prepared delicious sandwiches, fruit, and snacks he packed a cozy blanket, a bottle of wine, and a bouquet of my favorite flowers, and with everything ready, he set off to pick me up, completely unaware of his appearance plan.

When he arrived at YG Entertainment he couldn't help but smile at me while I look amazing in a flowy sundress my eyes sparkled with excitement as he greeted me with a warm hug and kissed my cheek making me blush.

I said to him "Where are we going today?" I was really curious and my eyes were filled with anticipation.

He said to me "It's a surprise, just trust me okay?" I nodded at him with a normal face with a mischievous grin.

We got into his car and he took us to a picturesque park nestled next to a tranquil lake when we arrived the park was decorated with blooming flowers and lush greenery creating a romantic atmosphere.

I said to him "Wow baby boy, this place is amazing! How did you find it?" My eyes widened in awe.

He said to me "I stumbled upon it one day while exploring the city I found it to be the perfect place for our picnic" he chuckled as he found a secluded spot under a large oak tree laying a blanket on the soft grass.

He poured a glass of wine and we toasted together for love and for the beautiful days ahead laughing and chatting and enjoying each other's company as we enjoyed the delicious food he had prepared warm sunlight caressed our faces and a gentle breeze rustled.

The leaves above our heads as the afternoon wore on, he took my hand and led me to the edge of the lake we sat on a wooden bench, linked our fingers, and watched the ducks swim gracefully in the water.

He said to me "Baby girl, I hope you know how much you mean to me every moment spent with you is like a dream come true you bring so much joy and love to my life" his voice filled with sincerity tears welled up in my eyes.

I said to him "Baby boy, you have no idea how much I love you. You make me feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world" when I look into his deeply caring eyes.

At that moment we shared a passionate kiss promising our love for each other and the world around us seemed to disappear as we cuddled up in our own little bubble of happiness until we heard voices.

It said to us "Hey lovebirds" we turn to look who is it well, it's Kim Taehyung and Jennie Kim with a smile faces.

Until Suho said to them "How did you guys find this place huh?" Taehyung turn to look at him with a normal face.

He said to him "Well, this is the second time to be here with Jennie and our kids Jenhyung and Taenie" I turn to look at him with a normal face.

I said to them "Where are they?" I miss Jenhyung and Taenie whom I last saw them at the wedding I wonder what Taenie it looks like now.

Jennie said to me "Over there" she pointed at the sea beach where I finally saw Jenhyung and Taenie fighting well, they still a kid always like that.

As the sun began to set we held hands and walked back to the picnic area holding hands as we left the park holding in our hearts the love and memories we will cherish for the rest of our lives until I heard Taenie's voice I turn to look at her with a smile face.

She said to me "Aunty Lisa!!!" I stand up and she running towards to hug me so tight after she unhug me I turn to look at her with a normal face.

I said to her "You look more attractive than before. Do you have a boyfriend now?" She turn to look at me with a curious face.

She said to me "Aunty!!! I don't have a boyfriend" she look away from me until Jenhyung walk towards us.

He said to me "No... She's liar, I saw text message saying 'I Love You' just believe me aunty" well, she kicked him from behind, knocking him down.

Wow I was surprised that did she attend taekwondo class meanwhile he stand up about to hit her back well, Jennie stop him.

She said to him "Jenhyung!!! Enough you are older than her and you should always teach her to behave in such a way that she does not hit" I turn to look at Taenie with a curious face well, she is daddy's girl she hug her dad.

Jenhyung said to Jennie "Mom, she kick me from behind and you always protect her more than me..." Before he finish his statement she cut him off.

She said to him "She's younger than you Jenhyung!!!" Well, it will be very difficult to have a kids if they always fight like this all the time.

He said to she "Mom, she's not a fucking baby so let her do what she wants..." Before he finish his statement Taehyung cut him off.

He said to him "Jenhyung!!! Enough" he away from us and I turn to look at Suho with a normal face I sit back.

I said to him "Having a kid like that is so stressful" he turn to look at me with a smirk face.

He said to me "What? Do you now" I turn to look at him with a normal face.

I said to him "No... You silly not now well, what name do you think would suit our babies? Fast thinking" I turn to look at Taenie with a smiled face.

I make eye contact with her 'Come here, Taenie, lie down on my lap' she nodded at me with a smiled face she unhug her dad and walk towards me.

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