Chapter 3: Jennie Puts on Her Wedding Ring and the CEO is Priceless

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Back at YG Entertainment, CEO Yang Hyun-seok looks anxious in his office and dials my number even though he knows that a difficult and tense conversation awaiting the sound of the phone ringing shatters the peace I have with Taehyung and my heart races.

As I reluctantly answer the phone "Hello Mr. Yang, I understand why you're upset and I sincerely apologize for causing any trouble" while I turn to look at Taehyung with a bit afraid face.

He said to me "Jennie, did you know that we have invested years of training and resources into your career? This scandal is not only damaging your image it is also your damaging my company's reputation. We need to find a way to fix this" he sight deeply.

I said to him "Mr. Yang, please give me a chance to prove that my personal life does not affect my professional responsibilities. I love being an artist and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right" while Taehyung listen right next to me.

CEO said to me "Jennie I'll consider your plea but please know that the road ahead won't be easy. There will be consequences and your actions moving forward will define your future in this industry" as I hung up the phone took a deep breath and knew the battle had just begun.

Love, career, loyalty collide, and parents to our two children's as Taehyung and I try to overcome the obstacles fate throws at us as I looked at the sparkling wedding ring on my finger, my heart pounded with a mixture of excitement, nervousness, and guilt.

I wear this as a symbol of my devotion to Taehyung, my love, my best friend, my partner, and the father of my children who stayed by my side through difficult times.

As I arrived at YG Entertainment headquarters I felt the weight of the ring and began to reflect on my choice as I walk down the hallway I am aware of whispers and curious looks directed my way the news of me secret marriage with Taehyung was leaked and shook the entertainment industry.

CEO Yang Hyun-seok, known for his solemn and outspoken attitude I nervously walk in the office well, my hand unconsciously fiddling with my wedding ring the CEO looked up from the paperwork on his desk and locked eyes with me.

He said to me "Jennie, I have to admit. You surprised me. Secret marriage? In all the chaos?" His voice mixed with surprise and disbelief.

I said to hm "Mr. Yang, I know it's unexpected and perhaps unprofessional but Taehyung and I couldn't ignore our feelings for each other we both felt that this was the right time for us" I take a deep breath and gather the courage to face the consequences of my actions.

He said to me "Do you understand that this could have a huge impact on your career, the reputation of YG Entertainment, and the fans who have supported you for a long time as a member of Blackpink?" CEO Yang Hyun-seok leaned back in his chair and looked at me closely.

I said to him "I understand the risks, Mr. Yang. But I also believe that my personal life and professional responsibilities can coexist. I'll try my best to prove it to you. This is not only for me but this is for Taehyung and our children" I nodded at him while my eyes filled with determination.

He said to me "Very well. I'll give you a chance to prove yourself, but keep in mind that opportunities come with conditions. We need to regain the trust of your fans, the industry, and our company" his expression softens slightly as he looks at me seriously.

I said to him "Thank you, Mr. Yang I won't disappoint you I promise" I nodded at him again with a smirk gratitude and relief washing over me.

Over the next few weeks I took on the challenge of rebuilding my reputation with the support of my dedicated manager Kim Hyun-ah, and Taehyung's unwavering love I begins to rebuild the bridge that Taehyung accidentally burned.

From sincere apologies to heartfelt performances I put my heart and soul into my work I'm transparent with my fans, revealing my relationships, mistakes, and commitment to my career each day, I begin to undo the damage caused by my impulsive actions, one by one.

As months pass, skepticism toward YG Entertainment gradually turns into respect and admiration CEO Yang Hyun-seok has watched me do my best to regain my place in the hearts of my fans by behaving gracefully in interviews and public appearances.

One evening, as I was walking the red carpet at a prestigious awards ceremony, CEO Yang Hyun-suk caught my eye in the crowd. His face displayed a rare mixture of pride and awe. He witnessed the changes I went through. I'm no longer just an artist but a symbol of resilience and growth.

My performance that night received a standing ovation, and tears streamed down the faces of my doubting fans. As I walked off the stage, I locked eyes with Taehyung in the audience with our children Jenhyung and Taenie, knowing that our love had not only weathered the storm, but had grown stronger in the face of adversity.

I said to my fans "Guys. I want to meet my husband and my children's. Taehyung, come here now" Taehyung walk with Jenhyung and Taenie.

After a few seconds later on they are now on the stage with me Taenie run towards to hug me while Jenhyung act out in front of everyone unliked at home he always mean to his younger sister Taenie at that moment I realized that love.

Taehyung said to me in a whisper "You don't have..." I turn to look at him with a smile face.

Determination and a wedding ring can overcome any obstacle life may be ever changing but it is the choices we make and the people we surround ourselves with that truly define our journey.

A grand ballroom decorated with colorful lights and elegantly dressed guests gathered for the prestigious award ceremony my anxiously waiting backstage with heart-pounding anticipation for me one of the nominees who never expected tonight to hold an even bigger surprise for me.

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