Bonus Chapter

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Eye Contact Season 1 Continued Called Kim Tae-nie Journey Season 2

Taenie POV
Ultimately I debuted as a solo artist who captured the hearts of fans across the country but my success was only possible because of Twice's unwavering support and unwavering friendship they became a symbol of inspiration to each other that we could pursue our dreams even in unexpected situations.

Distortion and mistaken identity thus my journey from a misguided rookie to a successful solo artist became a legend that will forever be intertwined with the story of the popular girl group Twice and our unbreakable sisterhood wait did I dream? Gosh I guess my imagination takes it so far.

After the initial confusion of being mistaken as a new member of Twice the girls settled into our routine at JYP Entertainment I'll enjoying my time with Twice and I was grateful for the warm welcome and the chance to train with such talented and supportive individuals little did I know that.

My presence would soon spark unexpected feelings within one of the members Momo had been struck by love at first sight known for her amazing dancing skills infectious energetic laugh and bubbly personality her has always playfully teased the hearts of the group Twice on an ordinary day while.

I was practicing my dance routine I caught her eyes watching me gracefully cross the practice room without noticing it Momo was immersed in it as if time had stopped for a moment her heart raced at that expression and butterflies fluttered in her stomach she had never experienced love at first sight.

But she couldn't deny the strong attraction that ignited within me at that moment the brave girl I was that she couldn't resist teasing me about her mistaken identity me.

She said to me "Hey, new member. I can't believe someone as talented as you has joined us. Are you sure not secretly training to take over Twice?" She had a mischievous look in her eyes until she approached me after practice.

I said to her "Momo unnie! Stop teasing me. I'm not an actual member but thanks for telling me I should go" I blushed at her playful joke not knowing how to react to the unexpected attention.

My heart beat a little faster as I stuttered while trying to hide my growing feelings for her through a playful joke she couldn't help but feel disappointed by my reaction as she had hoped I would feel the genuine.

Affection and care hidden behind her playful teasing but she was not want to give up easily and decided to make her feelings known she would reply with a mischievous smile.

She said to me "But Taenie you so easily to tease! I can't help but have a good time with you" as the days went by her teasing got worse she always surprised me.

By finding a way to put a smile on my face with a funny joke or playful prank during practice the more she teased me the hotter my heart started to heat up sparkling eyes in the next practice she deliberately made more eye contact with me and smiled at me giving me a subtle hint of attraction.

I found myself blushing and strangely embarrassed surprised by her sudden change in behavior was there any more of her playful jokes? Was her teasing just to hide her true feelings? Caught up in a whirlwind of emotions I started to question my own feelings no that couldn't be possible I just found her big tits attractive.

Well, I've always admired her talent for focusing on her dreams and aspirations although there was little room for romance in her life her infectious energy and undeniable charm sparked something in her that I couldn't ignore as the days passed she and I deepened our connection a friendship blossoming.

Through laughter shared interests and late-night conversations and the undeniable chemistry between the two had the other members of Twice playfully nudging her whenever I was nearby I couldn't help but noticed.

One day during a break in practice she and I were alone in the practice room and the look in our eyes that was a mixture of tension and excitement gave us courage to face the growing tension between us.

She said to me "Tae-nie... There's something I want to tell you. I don't think I can deny my feelings anymore... My way of denying my feelings is to fall in love with you every time I tease you but I can't do this anymore. I can't pretend that my heart doesn't skip a beat when I see your smile" her soft voice full of vulnerability.

I opened my eyes wide in surprise my heart was pounding equally intensely I never expected this kind of confession from her but without a doubt I felt like I didn't know how to react to her confession.

She continued "It's okay. I haven't received a response so I'm willing to wait. Nah I'm kidding" her voice is calm and not disappointing wait? What she joking with me while my reaction so priceless right now.

I said to her "Hey!!! I'm almost believe that" another member of Twice my crush Chaeyoung noticed our affection and decided to add a playful twist to our love story.

Known for her mischievous personality and wit she couldn't help but tease Momo and me about our perfect match he found endless amusement in Momo's flushed cheeks and stolen glances one day she decided to take the teasing to the next level.

She said to me "Hey Kim Taenie, you won't be able to resist Momo's undeniable charm right? How about kissing her right here and now?" While we were having lunch together she leaned over.

My face turned beet red my eyes widening at her audacious suggestion I felt my heart race at the thought of kissing Momo my feelings burning deep within however my shy and reserved nature prevented from taking such a bold step.

I said to her "Momo unnie please tell Chaeyoung to stop teasing me" I pleaded my voice a mixture of bewilderment and longing in equal measure.

She said to me "Come on Taenie it's just a little kiss. That's what you want, right?" She grinning mischievously and decided to play along she teased me her eyes sparkling with humor and genuine affection.

Eye Contact Season 1Where stories live. Discover now