Chapter 2: CEO Get Mad At Jennie Kim

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I turn to look back at him with a smile face.

He said to me "Yes, but the bigger reason why I became distant was because I was very stressed due to this comeback I wanted it to be perfect and it took up a lot of my time and energy also I won't let paparazzi ruined our children's reputation in the future" I understand you babe you're a good father to my children and a good husband to me.

I said to him "I understand now I should've realized that rehearsals were the reason for your lateness I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions babe and thank you to be a good father to our children's" he held my hand tightly with a reassuring smile on his face.

He said to me "No babe it's my fault for not communicating properly I should have told you what was going on I promise to communicate with you with a more open mind in the future and you're welcome of course I love them both and you" I couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over me.

As he and I settled into our secret married life we reveled in the blissful moments of being newlyweds not actually newlyweds were the old newlyweds however little did we know that our happiness was about to be rocked by the intrusive world of the paparazzi.

One sunny afternoon in Seoul, he and I decided to hold hands and take a walk in a local park as we exchanged loving glances and whispered sweet words to each other it felt as if they were in their own world protected from prying eyes public and hidden camera lenses.

Unbeknownst to us news of our secret marriage spread like wildfire was relayed to a paparazzi named Lim Ji-hoon after the rumors spread Lim Ji-hoon he became famous for his ability to dig into the hidden stories and expose the secrets of celebrities.

Ji-hoon had been following us for a week now gathering evidence and capturing our most intimate moments on camera knowing that revealing our secret marriage was the ultimate scoop that would guarantee him fame and fortune.

As Taehyung and I walked hand in hand through the park we noticed a man who seemed to be lingering nearby holding a camera we exchanged worried glances instinctively sensing that something was amiss filled with apprehension we quickened our pace desperately trying to shake off the paparazzi.

Meanwhile, Ji-hoon was determined not to let us escape his clutches he followed us, his camera clicking away without missing a beat he knew that taking pictures and capture of our faces together it would solidify his story and expose our hidden secret marriage to the world.

Taehyung his heart pounding with fear and worry grabbed my hand and led her towards a nearby café struggling to catch their breath we huddled together trying to come up with a plan to escape from the prying eyes of the paparazzi.

Feeling torn between our desire to protect our privacy and the urge to be honest with our fans, Taehyung and I had a heartfelt discussion we realized that our love had blossomed not only from our shared passion for music but also from our willingness to face adversity together we decided that it was time to confront the paparazzi head-on and share the truth with our fans.

After leaving the cafe Taehyung and I decided to meet Ji-hoon and reveal our secret marriage and walked to the exit of the park hen we arrived at the place where the paparazzi were hiding Ji-hoon was approaching the camera.

Taking a deep breath Taehyung and I stopped in our tracks looking directly into Ji-hoon's camera lens for a moment time seemed to stand still while the paparazzi hesitated unsure if how to react to our unflinching gaze.

Taehyung said to me "We will no longer hide our love. Let the world know that we are already married and hope that our love will inspire others to embrace our true selves" with our courage in our hearts he hold my hand tightly.

Ji-hoon who captured our unwavering gaze on film couldn't help but feel a sense of awe when he realized that he was not capturing a scandal but witnessing a pure and unadulterated love story.

As the dating rumor between me and Taehyung spread like wildfire it quickly reached the ears of YG the manager of the prestigious agency who raised me well into a superstar and today I'm not happy with the situation in which CEO Yang Hyun-seok is gathering the team executives for an emergency meeting at the company headquarters.

Inside the plush conference room tension was palpable as the YG Entertainment team debated the best course of action for my controversial relationship with Taehyung well, my loyal manager Kim Hyunah while bit her lip nervously knowing full well that her beloved client's career hung in the balance.

Until CEO Yang Hynk-suk said to them "This situation has become a PR nightmare for us! We can't afford to argue anymore especially about one of our biggest stars. What are your plans?" He slams his fist on the table and demands everyone's attention.

Kim Jiwoon said to him "Sir I think the best option if possible is damage control we need to issue an official statement regarding the dating rumor and emphasize that it did not affect Jennie's professionalism or dedication to BLACKPINK" she steps forward well, she is the YG Entertainment's public relations manager.

He said to her "Yes, but we need to ensure that Jennie maintains a low profile for the time being. We cannot have her seen in public with Kim Tae-hyung" well, suddenly my manager Kim Hyunah walk towards the CEO interrupts hesitantly.

She said to him "Sir, Jennie has already been captured by the paparazzi alongside Tae-hyung. The photos are all over social media, and fans are speculating about their relationship" CEO Yang Hyun-seok's eyes widen in disbelief.

He said to her "What?! How did she let this happen? I thought we taught artists to be careful and cautious. They must understand the consequences of their actions" I turn to look at Kim Hyunah with a betrayal face.

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