Chapter 5: Lisa's Turmoil

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The weight of truth became too much to bear and with every step I approached him with a heavy heart trying to find the truth I deserved.

I found him sitting on a bench in the park under our favorite cherry tree he looked tired and I was getting over my own emotions as I approached him our eyes met but our once deep and intimate connection now felt empty and distant.

I said to him "You're right, I didn't believe you at first. How can I do it? But now I need to know the truth. Why did you choose me when your heart belonged to Kim Jisoo?" My voice is shaking.

He said to me "Lisa, I'm sorry for hurting you... For not being honest from the beginning. Actually, I was always attracted to Kim Ji-soo. We had a connection that couldn't be ignored. Unfortunately, circumstances brought her into Sehun's arms before I could make a move. By the time I realized my feelings for her, it was already too late" he took a deep breath and fixed his gaze on the ground.

His confession broke my heart but even through the pain I found a little bit of understanding even if he didn't fully understand the relationship between him and Kim Jisoo was very clear through their eye contact and subtle smiles.

I said to him "But why didn't you tell me earlier? What made you believe that I was the one you wanted to marry?" Choking back my tears.

He said to me "I was scared, Lisa. I was afraid of losing you, of losing what we had built together. I knew I couldn't have Kim Jisoo, and I didn't want to hurt her by telling her the truth. So I selfishly held on to you in hopes that my love for you would grow stronger" He took a deep breath his eyes were fixed on the ground.

I nodded slowly finally understanding that his perspective love was messy and unpredictable the weight of this revelation was heavy but somehow I found myself able to forgive him.

I said to him "Suho, I may not be the woman you first wanted to marry, but you can't change that. What matters now is the love we share at this moment. I choose to believe in us and the love we built together" as the sun began to set casting a warm golden glow over the park I reached out and placed my hand on his.

He said to me "Thank you, Lisa. I don't deserve your forgiveness but I promise to make things right I will do my best to make you feel loved and valued" as he squeezed my hand his eyes filled with tears.

He and I walked hand in hand our hearts entwined in a delicate dance of forgiveness and hope we knew the journey ahead would not be easy, but our shared pain, unwavering love, and our story continued each chapter presents new challenges and lessons ultimately bringing us closer to the eternal power of true love.

As I sat blankly in the empty house tears streaming down my cheeks I had no choice but to respond to his hurtful words in my heart I never dreamed that our secret marriage so full of love and promise would become such a huge obstacle a whirlwind of emotions took over my mind.

As I longed for an explanation as the betrayal and hurt passed by the pain in my heart grew I hoped he would come back to me even though I apologized and corrected my thoughts he still distanced himself and made me question whether our lives were strong.

As the days seemed to change into weeks and I turned to my close friend and co-member BLACKPINK Kim Jisoo for comfort we spent countless nights laughing and wiping each other's teeth it was only one night that I noticed the sadness in Jisoo's eyes hidden behind her cheerful demeanor that brought tears to someone else's eyes.

I said to her "Jisoo, is something troubling you? You've been there for me but I want to help you too" my curiosity got the better of me so I gently prodded.

She said to me "This is about Sehun. Things have never been the same since he and I got together. I thought love would conquer all, but it seems our differences are what separate us I'm struggling to balance my career and our relationship" she hesitated for a moment before sighing.

I said to her "You're right, Jisoo. Marriage isn't easy. It requires compromise, understanding and trust. But we can't let these obstacles define our love, can we?" As I was heartbreakingly listening to Jisoo's concerns I could see empathy in my eyes at how different our stories were and how similar our struggles were.

She said to me "You're right, Lisa. We cannot allow suffering to tear us apart. We must fight for love, for ourselves" Jisoo's eyes widened and a small smile appeared on her lips.

Feeling renewed strength in our conversation I decided to confront him and demand an explanation for his hurtful words with a determined look I let our marriage fall apart without a fight.

I looked for him to face the truth and found him sitting alone in the park again lost in thought as I approached him my heart pounding I took a deep breath ready to hear what he had to say.

He said to me "Lisa, I'm sorry for what I said that day it was a weak moment and if you can't forgive me I regret everything I said I understand" a look of painful guilt crossed his face as he watched me approach.

I said to him "Suho, we promised to face every obstacle together, didn't we? I won't let one mistake extinguish all the love we shared. But tell me honestly, why did my name not come to your mind when you mentioned the girl you wanted to marry?" Eyes soften tears feel like they'll fall once again.

I don't know why I'm still doing this even though I know the answer, or maybe I'm still hurt by that his actions and suddenly think of Kim Jisoo instead of me I still hope that he loves me.

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