Chapter 1 Stalking Lust

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Marceline sat in her small apartment in Lodi, California, staring out the window at the passing cars. She had moved here from Mexico to start a new life, to escape the horrors of her past. But it seemed that the darkness had followed her.

It had been two weeks since the murders. Two weeks since she had woken up to find her entire family slaughtered in their beds. The police had no leads, no suspects. Marceline was the only survivor, and she couldn't shake the feeling that the killer was still out there, watching her.

She had tried to go about her life as normal, but every shadow, every sound made her jump. She knew she was being paranoid, but she couldn't help it. The fear was always there, lurking just beneath the surface.

One night, as she was walking home from work, she felt it. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she had the distinct feeling that someone was following her. She quickened her pace, but the footsteps behind her matched hers, step for step.

She finally reached her apartment building and fumbled with her keys, her heart pounding in her chest. She glanced behind her and saw a figure standing in the shadows, watching her. She screamed and ran inside, locking the door behind her.

She called the police, but by the time they arrived, the figure was gone. They searched the area but found no trace of anyone. Marceline was left shaken and terrified, knowing that the killer was still out there, still watching her.

She couldn't sleep that night, couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She knew she had to leave, to get as far away from here as possible. But she also knew that no matter where she went, the killer would always find her.

And so, Marceline lived in fear, constantly looking over her shoulder, always afraid that the next shadow, the next sound, would be the killer coming for her. She had escaped death once, but she knew that she couldn't escape it forever.

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