Chapter 44 Victim locked in cell

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As Marceline continued her pursuit of Sebastian Black, she stumbled upon a chilling discovery. In the basement of the cabin, she found a cell, small and dank, with iron bars and a heavy lock.

Inside the cell was a young woman, barely conscious, her body bruised and battered. Marceline knew immediately that she had found one of Sebastian's victims, a woman he had abducted and tortured.

With a sense of urgency, Marceline unlocked the cell and helped the woman out, her heart breaking at the sight of her injuries. The woman was terrified, but Marceline reassured her that she was safe now.

As they made their way out of the basement, Marceline noticed a piece of paper on the floor. It was a list of names, each one belonging to one of Sebastian's victims.

Marceline knew that she had to act fast. She called the police and gave them the list, urging them to track down the other victims before it was too late.

With the young woman safe in her care, Marceline vowed to never let Sebastian hurt anyone else. She would track him down, no matter where he tried to hide, and make sure that he paid for his crimes.

Marceline and the young woman, named Emily, found safety in a nearby town, where Marceline arranged for Emily to receive medical attention and support. As Emily began her recovery, Marceline delved deeper into Sebastian's twisted world, determined to bring him to justice.

Using the list of names she had found in the basement, Marceline worked tirelessly to track down Sebastian's other victims. She visited each one, offering support and reassurance, and gathering more evidence against Sebastian.

With each victim she spoke to, Marceline uncovered more of Sebastian's dark secrets. She learned of his meticulous planning, his ability to blend in with society, and his utter lack of remorse for the pain he had caused.

But Marceline also discovered a pattern in Sebastian's behavior, a vulnerability that she could exploit. She knew that Sebastian was a master manipulator, but she also knew that he had a weakness: his arrogance.

Armed with this knowledge, Marceline formulated a plan. She would use herself as bait, luring Sebastian out of hiding and into a trap. She knew the risks, but she also knew that it was the only way to stop him for good.

As Marceline set her plan in motion, she felt a sense of determination unlike anything she had ever experienced. She was no longer just a survivor; she was a warrior, fighting for justice and for all those who had suffered at Sebastian's hands.

And as she waited for Sebastian to take the bait, Marceline knew that this would be the final showdown. One way or another, it would all end here.

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