chapter 20 holy person

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Marceline's reputation for helping others continued to grow, and soon, she became known as a holy person in her community. People from all walks of life sought her guidance and support, believing that she possessed a special gift for healing.

One day, a young man named Juan approached Marceline, his eyes filled with desperation. He explained that his mother, Maria, had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and was given only a few months to live. Juan was devastated and didn't know where to turn.

Marceline listened to Juan's story with compassion, her heart going out to him and his mother. She knew that she couldn't perform miracles, but she also knew that she could offer comfort and support in their time of need.

She visited Maria in the hospital, spending hours talking to her, listening to her fears and offering words of solace. Maria was deeply touched by Marceline's kindness, and she found a sense of peace in her presence.

As the days passed, Marceline continued to visit Maria, offering her strength and support. She prayed with her, holding her hand and providing a sense of calm in the face of uncertainty.

When Maria's condition took a turn for the worse, Marceline was by her side, holding her hand as she passed away peacefully. Juan was grateful for Marceline's presence during his mother's final moments, knowing that she had brought comfort and peace to both him and his mother.

As Marceline stood by Maria's bedside, she knew that she had found her purpose in life. She may not have been able to perform miracles, but she had been able to make a difference in the lives of those who needed it most. And as she looked up at the sky, she whispered a prayer of thanks, knowing that she was truly blessed to be able to help others in their time of need.

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