chapter 28 Ex gets impaled

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Marceline's heart raced as she crouched behind the dumpster, trying to control her breathing. She could hear the killer's footsteps getting closer, the memories of that fateful night in Mexico flooding back with terrifying clarity.

Sixteen years ago, Marceline had fallen for a charming man named Juan. Little did she know, he was a cold-blooded killer. She had narrowly escaped with her life, but Juan had always vowed to find her.

Now, he was here, in her city, hunting her down.

Marceline peeked around the corner and saw Juan standing in the alley, a sinister smile on his face. He raised his knife, taunting her.

But Marceline was no longer the scared young woman she once was. She was a survivor, and she would not let Juan hurt her again.

With a deep breath, Marceline stepped out from her hiding spot, her own knife glinting in the dim light. Juan lunged at her, but Marceline was faster. She dodged his attack and plunged her knife into his chest.

Juan gasped in shock, his eyes widening as he fell to the ground, the life draining from his body.

Marceline stood over him, panting, relieved that the nightmare was finally over. She had faced her demons and emerged victorious.

But as she looked down at Juan's lifeless body, she realized that the scars he had left on her soul would never fully heal. The memory of that toxic love would always linger, a painful reminder of the dangers of falling for the wrong person.

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