Chapter 26 stoner's last hit

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The town was in shock after Marceline's accident, but life went on. One day, a local stoner named Jake found himself in possession of a mysterious and powerful new drug. He had heard rumors about its mind-altering effects and was eager to try it.

Jake smoked the drug, expecting to experience a euphoric high like nothing he had ever felt before. But as the drug took hold, he realized that something was terribly wrong. His vision blurred, and he felt a creeping sense of dread wash over him.

He tried to shake off the effects of the drug, but it was too late. He was overcome by hallucinations, his mind spiraling into darkness.

As Jake stumbled through the streets, lost in his drug-induced haze, he came across Marceline's hospital. In his altered state, he mistook it for a place of salvation, a sanctuary from the horrors of his mind.

He stumbled into the hospital, his eyes wide with fear and confusion. Nurses and doctors tried to calm him, but Jake was beyond reason. He lashed out, his movements erratic and violent.

Marceline, still recovering from her injuries, heard the commotion and went to investigate. She was shocked to see Jake in such a state, his body contorted and his mind lost to the drug's grip.

With a calm determination, Marceline approached Jake and spoke to him in a soothing voice. She reminded him of who he was, of the life he had outside of his addiction.

Slowly but surely, Jake began to calm down. The effects of the drug began to wear off, and he was left with a sense of shame and regret.

Marceline offered Jake a second chance, urging him to seek help for his addiction and turn his life around. Jake was grateful for her kindness, and he vowed to make a change.

As Marceline watched Jake walk away, his head held high, she knew that she had made a difference. She had helped another lost soul find their way back to the light, and in doing so, had found a sense of peace and purpose in her own life.

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