Chapter 31 Boyfriend gets beheaded

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As Marceline fought off the henchmen, she knew she had to find a way to escape. She couldn't let this madman continue to terrorize her. With a burst of adrenaline, she managed to break free and make a run for it.

But as she reached the exit, she heard a scream behind her. She turned to see her boyfriend, Alex, being held at knifepoint by one of the henchmen. Marceline's heart sank. She couldn't lose him too.

"Let him go!" Marceline shouted, her voice echoing through the warehouse.

The man holding Alex laughed, his grip tightening on the knife. "You think you can stop me? You're nothing but a pawn in my game."

Marceline knew she had to act fast. With a surge of determination, she lunged at the man, knocking the knife out of his hand. But before she could reach Alex, another henchman appeared, grabbing him and dragging him away.

"No!" Marceline cried, reaching out in vain.

But it was too late. Before her eyes, Alex was forced to his knees, a sword held to his neck. The maniacal laughter of the mastermind filled the air as Marceline watched in horror.

With a swift motion, the henchman swung the sword, and Alex's head rolled to the ground, blood spurting from his neck. Marceline's world spun as she sank to her knees, tears streaming down her face.

She had lost everything. Her past, her present, and now her future lay in ruins around her. But as she cradled Alex's lifeless body in her arms, she knew one thing for certain: she would not rest until she had avenged his death. The killer may have taken everything from her, but he had also unleashed a wrath unlike anything he had ever seen. Marceline was no longer running. She was coming for him.

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