chapter 12 Glasgow smile on the politician

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Marceline's recovery from the heart attack was slow but steady. She was grateful for the second chance at life and was determined to make the most of it. However, fate had one more test in store for her.

One day, as Marceline was walking through the town square, she witnessed a shocking scene. A well-known politician, known for his corruption and ties to organized crime, was giving a speech when a masked figure approached him.

Before anyone could react, the figure slashed the politician's face with a knife, leaving a gruesome Glasgow smile across his cheeks. The crowd gasped in horror as the politician fell to the ground, blood gushing from his wounds.

Marceline's first instinct was to run, to get away from the violence. But something held her back. She had seen the pain and suffering caused by people like the politician, and a part of her felt that he deserved what had happened to him.

As the chaos unfolded around her, Marceline approached the fallen politician. She knelt beside him and looked into his eyes, seeing fear and pain but also something else - regret.

The politician whispered something to Marceline, a plea for forgiveness perhaps, before losing consciousness. Marceline knew that he was beyond help, that his fate was sealed.

As she watched the paramedics arrive and take the politician away, Marceline felt a sense of closure. She knew that violence was never the answer, but she also knew that sometimes, people got what was coming to them.

As she walked away from the scene, Marceline felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. She had faced death and had emerged stronger, more determined than ever to live her life to the fullest. She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but she also knew that she was ready to face whatever challenges came her way.

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