chapter 49 the killer and Marceline survived

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As the icy waters of the river engulfed them, both Sebastian Black and Marceline fought for survival. Marceline's grip on Sebastian's arm slipped, and they were both carried away by the current, tumbling and thrashing in the water.

Miraculously, both Marceline and Sebastian managed to grab onto a piece of debris that had been swept along with them. Clinging to it for dear life, they were carried downstream until the current finally calmed, depositing them on a muddy riverbank.

Exhausted and battered, Marceline and Sebastian lay on the riverbank, gasping for breath. Marceline knew that she had to act fast. Despite her hatred for Sebastian, she couldn't let him die. She dragged him onto the shore, performing CPR until he coughed and sputtered back to life.

Sebastian's eyes fluttered open, confusion and pain etched on his face. He looked at Marceline, his gaze filled with a mixture of hatred and disbelief.

"Why did you save me?" Sebastian rasped, his voice hoarse.

Marceline looked at him, her expression unreadable. "Because I'm not like you," she replied simply. "I won't let myself become a killer."

Sebastian stared at her, his eyes narrowing. He knew that Marceline had won, that she had proven herself to be stronger than him in every way.

As Marceline stood up, ready to face whatever lay ahead, she knew that her fight was far from over. There would always be evil in the world, but as long as she drew breath, Marceline would be there to stand against it. And she knew that she would never have to face it alone.

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