chapter 25 magic trick gone wrong

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Marceline and Carlos had been through more than most couples, but their love had only grown stronger with each trial they faced. They were determined to move forward, to leave the past behind them and build a future together.

One evening, they attended a magic show at a local theater, hoping to take their minds off the recent turmoil in their lives. The magician, a charismatic man named Victor, wowed the audience with his illusions and sleight of hand.

As the show reached its climax, Victor announced that he would perform his most dangerous trick yet – the famous "sawing a woman in half" illusion. Marceline was intrigued, and Carlos was eager to see the trick up close.

But as Victor began the trick, something went horribly wrong. The blade of the saw malfunctioned, slicing into Marceline's abdomen instead of passing harmlessly through the box.

The audience gasped in horror as Marceline fell to the ground, blood pooling around her. Carlos rushed to her side, his hands trembling as he tried to stop the bleeding.

Paramedics were called, and Marceline was rushed to the hospital. The doctors worked frantically to save her life, but her injuries were severe. She was rushed into emergency surgery, her life hanging in the balance.

Hours passed, and Carlos waited anxiously for news. Finally, the doctor emerged, a grim expression on his face. He explained that Marceline had lost a lot of blood and had suffered internal injuries. Her condition was critical, and there was no guarantee that she would survive.

Carlos felt as though his world was crumbling around him. He had come so close to losing Marceline before, and now, it seemed that fate was determined to take her from him once again.

As he sat by Marceline's bedside, holding her hand and praying for her recovery, Carlos knew that he would do anything to save her. He hoped against hope that she would pull through, that their love would be enough to overcome even this most tragic of accidents. And as he looked into Marceline's pale face, he knew that he would never give up on her, no matter what.

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