Chapter 3 killer returns

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Marceline tried to move on with her life after exacting her revenge. She buried herself in work and tried to push the memories of that night to the back of her mind. But the past has a way of resurfacing when you least expect it.

It started with little things, things that could easily be dismissed as coincidences. A shadowy figure standing on the street corner, watching her. A strange car parked outside her apartment building, its occupant never visible. Marceline tried to convince herself that it was just her imagination, that the killer was dead and buried.

But then, the messages started. At first, they were vague, cryptic. A note slipped under her door, a text message from an unknown number. But as time went on, they became more sinister, more threatening.

"You may have won the battle, but the war is far from over."

"I'll be seeing you soon, Marceline."

Marceline knew that she was being targeted, that the killer had somehow survived and was now coming for her. She went to the police, but they were skeptical, dismissing her claims as paranoia.

Determined not to be a victim again, Marceline took matters into her own hands. She installed security cameras around her apartment, changed her daily routine, always staying alert, always watching for signs of danger.

And then, one night, he came for her. She was woken from a deep sleep by the sound of breaking glass. She grabbed the knife she kept by her bed and crept towards the source of the noise.

She found him standing in her living room, a twisted smile on his face. He lunged at her, but Marceline was ready. She fought back with everything she had, the knife flashing in the dim light.

In the end, it was Marceline who stood victorious. She had defeated her enemy once again, proven that she was not to be trifled with. And as she watched the police take him away, she knew that she could finally start to rebuild her life, free from the shadow of the killer who had haunted her for so long.

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