Prologue 01: The Warning Of Shocker

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3rd POV:







???: "Is anybody copy? What's the situation?! What's going on?!?" He said and there was silence and no words...just only few more words for what nothing left and there was all many dead bodies all over on the ground....where the office room and hallways...some dead bodies were slices and torn apart off by whatever it is here.






???: "Jesus Christ, what the fuck is going on here?! Is anybody heard me!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! ALL THE SECRETARIES AND OTHER PEOPLE DIES HERE!!!!! IT WASN'T A MUTANTS!!!!! IT WAS SOME FUCKING TERRORISTS ARE KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLES!!!!!!!" He shout out and then there was an old man...he had a long white hair and he was shitting himself and scared that he just got his people who vote and cheering at him because they are dead and then there were many massacre on the building and no one else single alive in this building.

His name is William...Stryker and he is the mutant hater.

Stryker and he is the mutant hater

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William Stryker.

William Stryker was a sergeant in the army and may have been involved in the Weapon X Program, which resulted in Logan being given his Adamantium skeleton. While Sgt. Stryker was stationed on a nuclear testing facility, his wife, Marcy Stryker, had become pregnant. After his tour, Sgt. Stryker and his wife decided to visit her parents, in Phoenix, Arizona, but a car crash left them in the Nevada Desert. Marcy went into labor and Sgt. Stryker was forced to deliver the baby himself. At birth, the child was physically mutated and Sgt. Stryker, believing it was a monster, stabbed the newborn. When his wife woke from unconsciousness and asked if the baby was okay, Sgt. Stryker hugged her and snapped her neck. Horrified at his actions, Sgt. Stryker noticed that the car was leaking gasoline and placed his family back in the car, sat in the driver's seat, and lit a match. The car exploded, but Sgt. Stryker was thrown from the car and spared from death. After the funeral, Sgt. Stryker turned to the bottle and was ultimately honorably discharged, after his drinking caused him to lash out at his trainees.

After hitting rock bottom, months after the accident, Stryker was reading a news article, written by Professor Charles Xavier and realized that his child was a mutant. Stryker became convinced that Satan had a plot to corrupt humankind, by taking over their souls while still in the womb, resulting in their mutations. Stryker further concluded that the only reason God would have allowed his son to be a mutant was to direct him to his true calling: ridding the world of mutants. That day, Stryker came to the conclusion that he was saved from the explosion to do God's work, in destroying all the monsters that Satan created: the mutants.

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