Prologue 02: The Beginning

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

???1: "Christ, what could done this?" He asked himself.

There were a crime case where the building of Stryker who was working there and there was a big huge massacre inside the building and where the rest of those secretaries and securities were been killing by someone else who break inside this building and then killing all by themselves and none of them ain't alive...not single one of them alive. Then the other cops collecting the bodies of the victims and take them to the Paramedic Van and take these bodies to the hospital right away.

???2: "I don't know, sir....the report says there was a group of armed man with guns and they are terrorists shooting inside at the building and massacre 58 of people in there and none of them ain't alive there, sir." He said to the director and this man who was stood right there and make him just looks like a leader...but a man had a eyepatch to cover his eye and he was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D and yep...this man had a name is...Nick Fury.

Nick Fury/The Director of SHIELD

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Nick Fury/The Director of SHIELD.

The son of CIA agents Nia Jones and Nick Fury, Marcus Johnson spent most of his life unaware of his parentage or his mother's true past. When a fling with Nia resulted in her pregnancy, Fury feared that both her and their unborn child could become targets of his enemies. Nia reluctantly agreed to leave her life behind, moving to Atlanta, Georgia. Taking the surname Johnson and adopting the identity of a social studies teacher, Nia gave birth to a baby and called him Marcus.

Growing up without contact or awareness of his true father, whom he believed was dead, Marcus lived a normal life. In high school, Marcus was a skilled football player. Instead of taking a scholarship, he enlisted in the Army when he was 18 years old. He served in Iraq for a tour, went back to the states to study philosophy at the University of Georgia, and reenlisted afterward. By the time Marcus was 30 years old, he was serving as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan alongside his best friend, Phil "Cheese" Coulson. In addition of the identity of his father, Marcus was also unaware that he had inherited from Fury the Infinity Formula. The body-enhancing serum was ingrained in Marcus' DNA and his blood generated the formula on its own.

When Nick was felt disgusted for what he seen all many people were killed by whatever it is here and massacre all of these motherfuckers and even...William who was dead and make Nick saw there was a head in the bag for what the other tries to carrying it and not showing these people for what they seen. 

Agent 3: "Sir, I had something an important that I must show you this..." He said to him.

Nick: "What is it?" He asked him.

Agent 3: "Follow me." He said and he lead Nick to show where it is and make the three of them were walking to there right away and make the three of them were keep moving fast as they could and then they both showing the director to take a look at the sign of warning from the terrorist was left...that eagle.

Nick: "What the hell is that?" He asked him

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Nick: "What the hell is that?" He asked him.

Agent 3: "I don't know, looks like the terrorist left the sign was there and we don't even know what it is...but it didn't have a name on it..." He said to him and the director was narrow his eyes at the warning sign and he doesn't know what the word it is say but...he need to find out about it.

Agent 2: "Sir, what do we do?" He asked him.

Nick: "I want you take a picture of it...and the information too now....I need to know who behind all of this massacre." He said.

To Be Continued.

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